A drabble for this week's prompts. Hope you enjoy.
Setting: End of BtVS season 7.
Rating: PG
For the prompt: Coronary Carer
100 words.
Author's note: Some of you might notice an omission in Spike's stream of thought here. All I can say is, getting your soul back doesn't instantly make you the world's nicest person.
Title is a David Bowie song, which seemed to fit (sort of).
Not very good, but again, you know, fic?
The Heart's Filthy Lesson
He's always been a carer. His loved ones were either sick (Mother) or not sure which way was up some days (Dru).
Look after me, William.
So he did.
Not that they returned the favour.
After all, Mother did...that, didn't she?
(He's put it behind him, but who knows what she really thought all those years?)
As for Dru...
Well,it wasn't her fault. More like Angelus's.
So, ironic that when someone does care for him that way at last (well, maybe not that way, but close) he turns them down.
It's the least he can do for her.