Title: Something Lost
Author: Anviloverheaven
Rating: G
Prompt: Through The Looking Glass
Setting: The Gift through to Bargaining
A/N: Just a drabble, and I'm not sure if it works or not. Set in an AU where Spike was the one to be cursed with a soul. How he lost it, I'll leave to your imagination.
Something Lost
Niblet knew all along. Had done since that night on the tower. Not how it happened mind, only that it had. Never once asked, and never told. Kept her mouth shut.
If the others noticed anything off when we were out patrolling, they put it down to grief.
Tried to get it back, really I did, but we were just so bloody busy. Couldn’t ask the Watcher, and the witches were working on that special project they were forever whispering about.
And even if I'd found a way, it would’ve been pointless.
Especially now that she’s walking down those stairs.