Title: The Reunion of the Exploding Whale Demon
Creator: Tennyo_elf
Rating: PG/PG13 ish
Setting: Post NFA
Summary: Buffy is faced with a growing demon that will destroy the world and has no clue on how to stop it. Lucky for her she has backup.
Prompt: Fourth of July and Catherine Wheel/ Sparkler
A/N: Inspired by the new Spike mini comic, but this is in no way connected to the comics. It’s my own version of a post NFA reunion, version 50,247,752,124,054,275…..Also, since I’m getting ready for Seasonal Spuffy, this will be my last post for a while, like a month or more.
The bluish glow from the expanding demon, which was looking more and more like a whale, reflected off the walls of the underground cave and illuminated everyone present. Buffy was standing before the demon, pushing it back with all her might, her fingers and hands felt the ooze of the demon skin as they sank in from her resistance. Willow was using her best magic to slow down the process of the expansion. Dawn, Giles and Xander could only watch from a distance in horror, any normal human who touched the demon would die a very gruesome death, something they just recently learned.
No one else was present. This demon had been the thorn in Buffy’s side for almost two years now, ever since she had shared her slayer powers. It had slowly eaten the powers from each of the girls she empowered. The only slayers now were her and Faith, Buffy was right back at the beginning, where she was faced with the destruction of the world by a demon that would devour the world.
Buffy was in a bleak situation. She didn’t know how to stop this demon or how to kill it. Fear wasn’t an option though, she was the only one standing in the way of total annihilation and she was the only hope to every life on the planet.
Grinding her teeth, Buffy pushed back harder, shrugging off her fatigue, no matter if her arms were beginning to shake or if her legs felt as if they would buckle at any moment. She could not and would not fail.
Hope though, was beginning to fade. Buffy felt it, the hope she had was slipping from her, though another feeling, something she had hidden and buried deep, began to bubble forth to the surface of her emotions. He will come, he will come, the feeling that he would be here, that he wouldn’t abandon her in her neediest hour, was pouring forth.
And he did.
Suddenly Spike was there, next to her, helping Buffy hold back the whale demon with an arrogant smile on his face.
Somehow, she kept her composure, “Where have you been?” Buffy almost smiled, her voice had sounded annoyed and angry rather than the giddy relief she was actually feeling.
Spike turned his head towards her and cocked an eyebrow, “Been expecting me, have you?”
There was no way Buffy would ever admit that. “No,” Buffy turned her head as well to look at Spike, she knew he had picked this moment for a reason, “Do you know how to kill this thing?”
“Funny, that you should ask that.”
With a flourish, Spike pulled out of his signature black leather coat a dagger that looked both old and alien. With zero grace, Spike plunged the dagger into the slimy skin of the demon. With a loud bang and hiss, the demon began to whimper and deflate just like an old car tire. But the wind and energy that was released knocked both Buffy and Willow on their backs. Unfortunately for Spike it flung him into the nearest wall.
Xander ran to help Willow up, while Giles held Dawn back, afraid that the demon corpse was still lethal. It took just a moment for Spike to pick himself up and stride towards Buffy. Once he was before her, he out stretched his hand to help her up.
Buffy, rubbing her back and wincing from the pain looked up to the out stretched hand and grimaced. She knew full well that her emotions would get the better of her sooner or later now that Spike had reappeared in her life. Would he stay or would he leave? She didn't know if she wanted to find out.
Slowly Buffy took Spike’s hand and when she was on her feet again she looked up into his eyes, which were soft and full of humor. It irritated the hell out of her that he would find this funny.
“Took you long enough to get here.” She frowned, hoping that it would hide what she really felt.
Spike tilted his head and the ghost of a smile never left his face, “So you were expecting me?”
“No, I wasn’t,” which was true enough, because she hadn’t, not until the last moment before he did show up, even if that feeling had actually been in her since he died in Sunnydale, “I was…I just had a feeling you’d show up.”
Spike lifted his eyes to the ceiling, swallowed, then looked back at Buffy seriously before stepping back, “Oh, so you just had a feeling I’d show…” His deadpan tone changed to exasperated incredulity, “Are you out of your bleedin’ mind?”
That he had the audacity to ask that after being away for two years made feeling extremely annoyed with him perfectly fine, “Excuse me?”
Spike put his hands on his hips and leaned forward, “You were in a serious pickle back there Slayer and your game plan to kill that thing was ‘a feeling’ and hope everything would just work out? Tragically stupid, that.”
He was looking at her like she grew another head, which just infuriated her more, “I…I had everything under control! My ‘game plan’ wasn’t ‘a feeling’; it was…it was more involved, with lots of strategy and…and,” Buffy searched for the right word, puffing up her checks in her attempt at a rebuttal, “hitting!”
Spike just stared at her for a silent moment. He then raised both his eyebrows, “You had a strategy? Standing around holding hands with a demon your strategy? Great plan, really.”
Buffy leaned on one leg, crossed her arms and glared at Spike, “And you could do better?”
“As a matter of fact I did do better. Killed Moby-Dick didn’t I? I figured everything out before I got here Slayer,” Spike looked down at her feet and sighed. Spike looked back at Buffy intently and when he spoke again his tone changed, from boisterously wry to a happy resignation, “So it looks like you’ll be needing me around here after all.”
The way Spike was looking at her made Buffy feel tingles crawl up her body, she wanted to say anything to get her mind away from that feeling, “Pfft, you just got lucky by having that knife with you; I’d have stabbed it eventually if you didn’t--,” suddenly Buffy couldn’t stand it anymore, not when his tone was so suggestive and sweet, her own hard tone softened, “does that…does that mean your home for good?”
Spike blinked and smiled faintly. There was humor dancing in his eyes again. His voice was soft and low, so only she could hear him, “Well, I think I had all the fun I could have away from home, so yeah…” Buffy could see when his nerves took over, “Of course, that is, only if home will take me back?”
Buffy didn’t want to pretend anymore that she wasn’t happy to see him, all of a sudden the hurt she felt from him staying away and not even letting her know he was back melted away. Looking up at him passionately through her eye lashes, quietly she said, “You’re always welcome home.”
Spike took a step closer to Buffy and smirked at her in a way she had always liked. He let his eyes travel up and down her frame and Buffy felt herself blush, “That right?”
Buffy hadn’t noticed just how close they were to each other. She could feel the air between them like it was a part of her own body. She wanted to take another step and wrap her arms around him and-
“Oh for God sake, just kiss already so we can go home!” Dawn’s loud voice startled Buffy out of her daze and she turned to look at her sister, surprised that Dawn would suggest such a thing.
“No! No! There will be no kissing of any kind,” but Buffy was unsure and she looked back to Spike questionably, “Will there?”
Spike just flexed his jaw and took another step closer so their chests were almost touching, “Depends on you Buffy.”
His husky voice was like an invitation and Buffy found herself leaning in. She was staring into the lips she had kissed a thousand times and still, that would never be enough. She was dimly aware that Spike’s hand was hovering just above her waist and he was looking at her with such intense desire that Buffy nearly wanted to jump him in front of her friends and family. When she leaned forward just a bit more, Spike did the same, and right in the middle they came together.
At first the kiss was sweet and gentle, but it quickly became more. The devoured each other lips, holding onto each other tightly. Neither became aware that the demon whale corpse had exploded, setting off odd fireworks from within its gut. The fireworks resembled Catherine Wheels and Sparklers, turning and spinning brightly and noisily. Each new explosion brought on bigger and brighter fireworks, but still Buffy didn’t notice and neither did Spike.
Buffy wasn’t aware at all that everyone was watching them or the fireworks that were going off behind them.
Willow was watching the fireworks spring from the demon’s corpse and wondered how this could happen. “It’s like the Fourth of July.”
Dawn leaned towards Xander nonchalantly, “You think we should stop them and get out of here?”
Xander turned towards Dawn and gave her an intent look of disbelief, “Well, that means we’d have to get in there to break them up and then we’d have to actually break them up.”
Giles sighed, “This is ridiculous,” he raised his voice and directed it to the oblivious couple, “Stop what you are doing so we can leave this place immediately, these fireworks will probably cause cave-ins!”
Buffy, for reasons she wasn’t quite sure, heard Giles and broke the kiss. She gave Spike her own smirk, “We’ll finish this later?”
Spike grinned and took Buffy’s hand, “Holding you to that love.”
Together, Buffy and Spike followed the rest out of the cave, hand in hand, and still completely ignoring the larger than life fireworks show that was emitting from the corpse of the large whale like demon. They had other things on their mind.