Title: A New Koan
Prompt: snowflake
Word count: 169
Rating: PG
Setting: post-Chosen, in some slight AU
"Want to show you the world, now you're a free Slayer." Spike was grinning, tempting Buffy to abandon her duties already. Okay, she wasn't the one and only anymore - was that a reason to run off on vacation immediately?
Um. It might be.
"Where could we go? You can't fly, and the beach is out and-" She almost managed to lose that brief conviction that they could do this.
Spike was having none of it. "Lots of places. Maybe a touch dark and chilly, but how's about the Northern Lights, or St Petersburg, all citified and tourist-friendly, or geysers and volcanos in Iceland…"
"You're not kidding about the cold. So, I guess I'll find out - if a snowflake lands on a naked vampire north of the Arctic Circle, does it melt?"
He laughed. "Dunno, love. Depends on who's been warming him up. And how thorough she's been.
"Plus, if you don’t fancy that lot, we can try Ibiza. Half those clubbers never see daylight. I'd fit right in."