Title Second Thoughts
Author Brutti ma buoni
Rating PG [ETA though there's a fair amount of swearing, I belatedly remember]
Prompt Snowbound
Words 200
Setting: During Amends, Spike is confused by the weather, among other things
It was a dark and stormy day. Which was fucking odd for southern California, but suited Spike's mood pretty well.
No, he shouldn't have come back after the last couple of fiascos. But he and Dru couldn’t have been more over, and there was this lead about the Gem of Amara which was worth a follow up and… well, it seemed he wasn't done with Sunnyhell just yet.
Except that he hadn't even made it into the city limits yet, and the bloody DeSoto was stuck in a bloody snowdrift and… Yeah, Spike. This new life is going so well so far.
He wondered vaguely what the snow was in aid of. Bound to be mystical, what with Sunnydale at Christmas and all. Probably the Slayer was out killing snow demons in some fetching woolly outfit with pompoms on. Or else they were dead already and she was playing snowballs with her undead honey in the half-light. She'd be rosy in the snow, and nauseatingly cute. Bloody girl, didn't even look like a warrior, and fought like ten. Unfair is what it was.
Sunnydale always meant the Slayer to him, now. Which was why he shouldn't have come back. And also, exactly why he had.