A drabble for this month's Crime & Punishment theme.
Sort of a companion piece to my January drabble
Oh, Bondage, up yours!.
Setting: BtVS season 6, around the time of Dead Things
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Astonishing as it may seem, Spike/Buffy, though mention of Spike/Drusilla
100 words
For the prompt: Imprisonment
Iron Bars Do Not a Prison Make
Makes him all nostalgic, this does.
What was it he said back then?
Oh yeah, that he'd tie Dru up and torture her until she loved him again.
Not that Buffy needs to tie him up. He's just as stuck as if she had - afraid to leave his crypt in case he misses her. And torture? No need for that either, though the endless waiting-will she come today, or not?- feels like torture anyway. And it's not like he doesn't love her already.
But it's the spirit of the thing that counts. Bondage and pain.
He's always been a romantic.