Title: Under Torture
Warning: Fluffiest fluff
Words: 100
Prompt: forty lashes (Probably more than forty, in fact.)
Rating: PG
Setting: happy post-series Anywheretown
"Stop! Can't… take… any… more…. Dammit woman, I'm not kidding around."
"Aww, you're no fun." She pouts, giving it the full-on lip wobble, though her eyes will be dancing when the grimace fades.
He loves her like this, kittenish and funning, because it's such a conscious joke version of her true power. Shows her confidence in what they have that she's happy to play the ditsy wench for him, knowing she'll keep his respect after.
Still not going to let her keep on with the torture, though. Her bloody butterfly kisses on his sensitive areas? Ticklish isn't even the word.