A bit of a music roundup!

Feb 02, 2010 19:07

So, I told gracelessheart that I'd do this, and I have to admit, it was kind of fun. I looked through my tags, and I hadn't done a post like this in a looooooong time, so maybe this will get me in the mood to do these sorts of things more regularly ( Read more... )

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Comments 23

randomneses February 3 2010, 03:14:29 UTC
My god, this album got a lot of hate from YYYs fans, but fuck em I really liked it. And as always, Karen O's voice is so hot it makes me want to straddle the speakers.

OH MY GOD RIGHT? I WAS LIKE, "WTF ARE YOU BITCHES TALKING ABOUT THIS ALBUM IS SOLID." Although, I really like the last two bonus tracks (Faces and Clap Song) better than everything else.


sbertie February 3 2010, 03:22:22 UTC
lol, I remember reading one person comparing Karen O to GWEN STEFANI. I was like omg, get a life and some fucking perspective. ANYWAYS I LIKED IT. What about the other albums? Did you like any of those, too?


randomneses February 3 2010, 03:25:24 UTC
I keep hearing about Phoenix but now I may actually get around to checking them out thank to this post.

And I know the one editors song that I fell in love with back in high school was their song Munich but I never checked out their other stuff because I was afraid I wouldn't like it...but again, I'll probably check it the fuck out now XP


sbertie February 3 2010, 04:29:16 UTC
ah, I would've thought that you would have liked a few of these, the Grizzly Bear, and F+tM especially, and maybe the Doves track. I really DO like the Phoenix album, but I think it may have been a little overhyped.


asweetdownfall February 3 2010, 04:47:48 UTC

And oh my goodness, I second the Neko Case, Florence + the Machine and YYY recs [It's Blitz! is so amazing and I can't believe people actually hate it. WHAT IS THIS FUCKERY.]! That said..I'm snagging pretty much everything I haven't heard (Grizzly Bear, Phoenix, Band of Skulls, etc).


me in the mood to do these sorts of things more regularly.

You know what I have to say about this business. :D


sbertie February 3 2010, 06:00:03 UTC
lols, you're ADORABLE.

Yeah, the It's Blitz hate is wacko. I guess it's because it was more dancey and synthy? I think a lot of fans thought it was too mainstream/commercial and therefore was a sell-out? That's the vibe I got. WHATEVER. lol, groups change over time, you either like the changes or you don't, but I don't get why people need to be all OMG OUTRAGED over shit like that.

HA, well, I could probably do it at least once every other month or so. And like I said, it was fun! :)


asweetdownfall February 5 2010, 07:04:56 UTC
Hahaha I'm more spazzy than anything, but thank you! :D

Dude, what's wrong with dancey/synthy? IT IS THE SHIZNIT. People are so silly.

:D GOOD TO HEAR. I've missed your music posts.


sbertie February 8 2010, 02:49:44 UTC
ha, well, maybe next time around I'll only post a few songs -- these posts kinda take a lot of effort!


I HATE air quotes. takeurchillpill February 3 2010, 17:43:40 UTC

OMG I was downloading the season premiere of Lost and I thought hey, maybe this amazing episode is what will bring Sonja back to LJ (ha! I'm one to talk!) But I have been checking to see if you've updated once every two weeks or so and WHOA! There are like, 15 new updates ( ... )


Are we just using this space for random facts now? Because possums freak the shit out of me. sbertie February 4 2010, 01:45:12 UTC
I AM VERY HAPPY TO HEAR FROM YOU. You are one of the few people who understand that narcissism can be charming if done correctly. I feel we have a bond over that one. Because I'm charming as shit, and I declare you to be so as well.

Anyways, I'm glad to hear you're being all ambitious, and I think 5-10 is pretty awesome for your first semester and it's 2010 now you sad thing, and YES you are allowed to refer to yourself as a woman even if you still think of yourself as a girl and I think spinsterdom begins at my age and I really really really hope you'll be around because I've totally missed you!


shobhna_guerin February 11 2010, 15:37:37 UTC
Good list. :) I'm always way behind when it comes to music, so I'm only now listening to a lot of the music that came out last year. A band you should definitely check out is called The xx. Their self-titled album last year is the shit. it's addictive.

Snagging a few of the tracks, even though I know I need to be downloading some of these albums. I liked Pete and Scarlet, and yeah Florence did an awesome album. I especially loved the bonus edition tracks, not surprisingly.

Also, just in case you're wondering how I landed here, you can thank gracelessheart ;)


sbertie February 11 2010, 18:39:24 UTC
yeah, I liked that album, it just wasn't one of my favorites from last year. that one, and like, the animal collective one and some others would maybe be the top 20 though.

And you're welcome to anything! :)


exhaledeeply February 15 2010, 06:23:23 UTC
ha, thanks for the links, i've been looking for some new music.


sbertie February 16 2010, 00:51:01 UTC


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