Comment to this post, and I will list seven things I want you to talk about. They might make sense or they might be totally random. Then post that list, with your commentary, to your journal. Other people can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself.
Gacked from
sejitsu, whose handle I always want to put an extra I in.
meta: Makes me think of my Russian professor, actually. You want meta? Read something by Viktor Pelevin. My last two years of Russian were basically a post-modern literary and film analysis course, only mostly not conducted in my native language. Anybody ever wants to turn their brains inside out, I have a few suggestions.
bread: I reeeeeaaaaaaally like bread. I mean, I am a serious fan. I would be almost as screwed if I developed a gluten allergy as I would be if I were lactose intolerant. My favourite is pretzel bread, but it's a little heavy for every-day. One of the bad parts about moving out of Chicago is that it's a lot harder to get proper egg bread (challah) out here.
plushies: Yeah, I was one of those kids into Ty beanie babies. Not quite psychotically, but I still have a basketful of them on top of one of my sets of shelves. I have always been fond of soft, fluffy things (for example, cats!). I also used to sleep with a beluga whale stuffed animal (yes, I was a Raffi fan, too).
origami: I can do some? At one point, I was determined to use up a whole stack of little square note paper making origami jumping frogs. Mostly I end up doing box-type-things, not animal-type things.
sand: Sand! Glorious sand! It is prickly and invasive. Like liberty. Um, I do like walking on sand, although it does have insidious infiltratory properties.
ramen: Never actually eaten it. My roommate last year had a box. Most of what I know about ramen is that Naruto eats it.
perfume: Can't handle it. Asthma. It's very sort of odd, because my other respiratory problem is perpetual congestion, e.g. my sense of smell is bad. Why do smelly things bother me when most of the time I don't smell anything? I ask you.