...but at least I'm posting something? That's the point of memes though, right?
I just topped 10K in the fic I'm writing for
crossbigbang; the rough draft is due on Monday, so we'll see how that goes. Should be able to do 5K between now and then, but who knows if the plot will tie itself up by then.
--gacked from
I have to admit, none of these are really news to me, as I have developed the bad habit of stalking my hit count. Maybe I'll offer drabbles when I top a thousand; still a ways to go, though.
A Little Idle Talk (5,749):
Naruto; My first fic in the Naruto fandom; a lot of it was written in a plane over the Atlantic: day flight, so there was no one else in my row and I got to stretch out and get really comfortable. I think it's kind of sweet that this one still tops the list.
She Gives Me the Stars (2,046):
Star Trek: The Original Series; I've been watching this one creep up the list for a while now; I expect it will take top place soon, just because of the vastness of ST fandom. Still, it's TOS and not Reboot (now, there's a TV show I miss) so that makes me feel a bit more accomplished, but honestly I think most of the draw is the shameless PWP Pon Farr porn.
Contagious (482):
Naruto; What I love most about these next three on the list is the ordering. First installment comes in last, second installment comes in first, and the third is in the middle. The first I guess more people might find from LJ, as it was posted there before I ever got an AO3 account; but what's the deal with the other two? Maybe it's that No. 2 is shorter, or people think masturbation is hotter. Or it could be the absence of immediate underage involvement.
Things Most Yielding (3,304):
Naruto; Most recent installment of my Inadvisable HS AU; what can I say about it? There are lots of emotions. I like the title for this one, and for the series because they're pretty. I lifted them from the Tao Te Ching, which I hope to read more of before writing my
scifibigbang story (at which point Darius, Vanyel, and I will all go to Buddhism camp).
After School Special (2,059):
Naruto; This started out as a kink bingo prompt like...two years ago? I always felt like there was still more of the story to write (I feel that way about a couple of them, actually), and it's turned into a nice (completely a-moral) low-key little series.
Tale as Old as Time (14,846):
Saiyuki; For some reason, it always makes me more proud when I get kudos or whatever on fics in smaller fandoms. This one makes me especially proud because it's long and took me forever to get up and wildly AU, and in a fandom I've barely even commented in. Plus I tried to put in emotional and developmental arcs and things, where usually I just shoot for snark and porn. I remember wondering when I was writing this (I wrote it out long-hand) why the hell it was taking so long. Then I typed it up and it was like thirty pages long. So.
If James Bond Retired (1,088):
Naruto; This is another kink bingo piece; I have a sequel or two to this in mind, theoretically. Surfing may be involved. We'll see if it ever bubbles to the surface.
Winter in a Bottle (12,179):
Naruto; Written a few years ago for a Christmas exchange. I like how this long-ass thing is on the list, but the kinky PWP sequel isn't. Maybe all the world-building scares people off?
Blow Your Cover (650):
Naruto; Again, kink bingo. I couldn't believe I actually kept this under a thousand words. Y'all may have noticed my tendency towards verbosity. Sequel to this one would, hm, occur in the precinct locker room.
Food Fight (3,235):
Naruto; What it says on the tin, plus desk!sex. I think my favourite part is 'Anko is vomiting torquoise; she needs an interior decorator to diagnose her.' I snuck in a webcomic reference later on that always makes me smile, too--whups, just found a typo. I also feel--ack, so many typoes!!--that I should mention every fic on this list contains explicit porn. I'm so tawdry. (Yanno, reading back through this, I'm pretty proud of Iruka's rant. ^^)