Some more of what is supposed to be a daily meme

Mar 09, 2011 21:48

30 days of who!

Day 04 - Your Favourite Doctor




Really, to ask me that? That's worse than anything. There is absolutely no way I can choose. All I can say is it's pretty much whichever one is on the screen. So, once more I shall cheat.

I will tell you why I love them all.

I love The First Doctor because he is a grumpy old man. Really. He had that way about him that I notice many people get when they are older - they say exactly what they think. There is no sugar coating or beating around the bush. What you see is what you get. If he didn't like something, or thought you were an idiot, he would tell you. Hell, he even thought his other selves were somewhat stupid. Not as much in The Five Doctors (that only sort of counts anyway), but DEFINITELY in The Three Doctors. Simply put, I love his brutal honesty. It is what makes him fun to watch.

I love The Second Doctor because he makes me laugh. I haven't gotten a chance to see much of his stuff (mostly because not much exists), but what I have seen has made me laugh immensely. He so comical in the way he does things, from playing his recorder to smacking himself on the head going "oh dear oh dear oh dear". He had a little bit of the brutal honesty of his predecessor, but it was much less noticeable. And then there was his friendship with one Jamie McCrimmon, Human Clingwrap. I love the way they had absolutely no concept of personal space. NONE. It's like they are always finding reasons to touch each other. Hell half the time, there isn't even a reason there. It just happens because it does.

I love The Third Doctor... ok, actually most of the time I want to hit him with a stick. I really REALLY do. Three is SO mean to everyone. It's not even the curmudgeonly old man mean of the First Doctor. No. Three is just plain rude. Ok, so he is usually nice to his female assistants. But even now and then he can be mean to them. To be honest, the only reason I watch anything from the UNIT days is the supporting cast. (READ: I ♥ THE BRIG) Plus, I must say that I have developed quite the fondness for Delgado. He had so much class. But as for the Third Doctor, he seemed very ungrateful for what he did have, and for that I can't stand him.

I love The Fourth Doctor because... well, to be honest, I really don't know. There is just something about him that I can't put my finger on. Is it the ability to go from funny to serious at the drop of a scarf? I don't know. Just his whole personality is wonderful to me. I love him to bits and I can't explain why. Just leave it at that.

I love The Fifth Doctor because he was... erm... OK so I think Peter was smoking hot as Five. So sue me.

I love The Sixth Doctor because he had attitude. He was brash and loud and didn't give a damn what others thought. Just look at his coat! And yes I love the coat. The Technicolor Dreamcoat is made of win. He had an ego a mile high and wide, but most of the time he managed to back it up. What's that line from the song "Cocky"? "It ain't braggin M@&)&$*!^$&% if you back it up!" Yeah, something like that. And I don't know if I've said it before, but I'm putting it out there now. I ship Six/Peri. I feel that they each need the other, if only to have someone to complain to. Every time they argue, it warms my heart, because you know it is all in good nature. They truly care for each other deeply.

I love The Seventh Doctor because of his kindness for Ace. Every now and then I come across someone who ships Seven/Ace. And I want to vomit. In my mind he is the quintessential father figure to her. Just the way he rubs her on the nose is so cute. For a Doctor who has a tendancy to be very cold and manipulative... well he's still sort of manipulative, but instead is kind and warmhearted to a certain extent. I do not however like his tendency to shout. It really doesn't suit him and he does it far too often. (That's mostly the writing's fault) I see him more as the death glare type than overly loud.

Haven't seen any of Eight.

I love The Ninth Doctor because he is so broken. That is all I will say. If you know me at all, you should understand why I sympathize with a flawed character such as Nine. (Hint: Like looking in a mirror)

I love The Tenth Doctor because of EVERYTHING - he is MY Doctor, and in my opinion the best. Christopher Eccleston may have started NuWho, but it was Tennant who really made it WORK. He was gorgeous for starters, hyperactive, a total drama queen (and I mean that in a good way), and he just made me feel everything he was doing. When he cried, I cried. When he smiled, I smiled. I loved him with all my heart and soul, and letting him go was one of the hardest things fandom wise I have ever done.

And then there is Eleven. I hate how much I love him. I really do. I feel as though I am betraying myself and Ten for loving Eleven so much. But just as I see my faults in Nine, I see my quirks in Eleven. He's a 907 year old teenager. That's basically the character. He makes me laugh at his stupidity and strangness. His drunken giraffe walking makes me giggle, and his manner of speaking reminds me so much of Joss Whedon, its nuts. And I love how Matt is a total klutz. Because, again, so am I. The only problem is, he spends so much time playing comedy, when he plays it overly dramatic like that one scene in The Big Bang, it just feels off. Nine was TOO serious. Eleven isn't serious enough. I still say it was Ten who got it right.

Day 05 - Your Favourite Companion

I don't care that he wasn't a companion, I'm calling Brigadier on this one. CLOSE ENOUGH. And no I'm not just saying that because of recent events either. He is my favorite because, well, because he WASN'T a companion. Back during Three's day, as Brig put it, the companion (assistant) was just there to stand around, pass him test tubes, and tell him how brilliant he was. The Brig was so SO much more. He was a champion in his own right, but I hesitate in calling him a hero, simply because he would likely be mad if you did, or at the least, deny it fervently. I posted on the main board that he was just an ordinary man given an impossible task doing impossible things - and was pretty damn magnificent at it. He wasn't the man rushing in at the last second saving the day... He was the man doing everything in his power to stop it from coming to that point! Sometimes, it worked. Other times, it didn't. But at the end of the day, The Brig was someone who GOT SHIT DONE. If he couldn't do it, he made sure someone else could. Then there was his faith. No, I don't mean religion. I mean his neverending faith in The Doctor. The Doctor was downright mean to him (see above) in the UNIT era, but The Brigadier just kept coming back. Personally, I would have (again see above) hit Three with that stick he always seemed to carry. I wrote a piece recently called Bad Dreams, set in UNIT days, where the gang was all stuck in a dream state (yes, I stole it from Amy's Choice) having their worst nightmares come true. In my opinion, The Brig was terrified of very VERY little. But losing the Doctor was an idea that horrified him. Actually, the exact nightmare I had him put in was that he had left HQ for a meeting elsewhere and came back to find The Doctor had left and everything had gone to hell in their combined absence. In my personal canon, Alistair knew The Doctor better than anyone. Actually, that pretty much IS canon. I guess, in closing I leave you with one last reason why I love The Brig more than anyone else. In Battlefield, the retired Brig refused to go near anything UNIT related... until they mentioned The Doctor. Then he dropped EVERYTHING and went running. By the way, according to TV Tropes, he wasn't supposed to survive that explosion originally. So had the writers had their way, he would have died that day, so The Doctor wouldn't have to. And didn't think twice about doing so.

Wow, that took forever. Sorry for the long-ness.

Day 06 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
Day 07 - Your Favourite Piece of Music
Day 08 - A Who-Related Photo That Makes You Happy
Day 09 - A Who-Related Photo That Makes You Angry/Sad
Day 10 - A Who-Related Photo That You Took
Day 11 - Your Favorite Season (Classic or New)
Day 12 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
Day 13 - Your Favorite Villain
Day 14 - The Villain Who Scared You the Most
Day 15 - Favorite Who-Related Tumblr
Day 16 - Your Favorite Who-Related FanFic
Day 17 - A Piece of Who-Related FanArt
Day 18 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
Day 19 - The Scene That Made Your Cry the Most
Day 20 - The Character Who Is Most Like You
Day 21 - Your Doctor Who OTP
Day 22 - A Who-Related Fan-Site
Day 23 - A Who-Related YouTube Video
Day 24 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
Day 25 - Favorite Who Actor
Day 26 - Favorite Who Actress
Day 27 - An Episode You Wish Hadn’t Been Made
Day 28 - An Episode Idea You Created Yourself
Day 29 - Who You Think Should Be the Next Doctor
Day 30 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy

30 day meme, doctor who

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