
May 19, 2011 00:10

Finally the wait is over.

New gifs have arrived!


Now, it's only part 1 of the opener, but dammit if they ain't pretty.

So, without further ado...

    Now, I'm sure you are all wondering... "Shanie, will there be commentary? Really we need our commentary or it just isn't the same!"
Well don't you worry. For this wonderful occasion I will be providing that first rate commentary that I know you spend your nights praying for. Pleading to the powers that sooner or later I'd do some (and perhaps make some graphics to go with it!)

Nah, I'm just picking. After all, what's an American episode for if not to toss the old ego out there!

Anyway, on with the gifs!

Why do I envy her so? Really, I shouldn't let that do things to me but still!
Also, I really want that painting for my apartment wall. Just because every single person who enters would stop, stare, and go WTF?

Ok, this little gag may be funny, and yes there is the Epic Fez of Awesomeness involved, but the LOGIC behind it... It makes the sense that does not. 
Then again, my one friend who watches the show said that I should be ashamed for trying to apply logic to the show. The very fact that I try to means I am completely missing the point.

*devious look*

Love that.

You know, Mythbusters proved you can't do... dammit there I go with the logic again. Also, can I say it is refreshing to see that Amy's bag is bigger than Rory's? Then again, Amy is really the man in the relationship, so I suppose it makes sense.
Actually, if Amy was my girl, I'd probably have left her by now.

You know, let us take a moment to point out all the ways that Amy is messed up.

1. She's abusive. Doesn't matter that most of it is verbal, it's still abuse.

2. I'm still not buying her 100% fidelity. Sure there was the whole "Stupid Face" scene. But guess what. Listen to what she says to the Doctor's Body... She calls him Stupid as well. My one guy friend who watched the Stupid Face payoff said "Whatever helps you sleep at night, dude."

3. She may be strong willed, but she is definately needy, and it shows most when her boys are in danger. Really, look back to Amy's Choice. When she loses Rory, she basically commits suicide, taking The Doctor with her. When The Doctor dies, she breaks. She is very much a child inside, clinging to her boys.

You know, (and I'm gonna stop after this) the fact that Behind the Scenes they are called "Karen and the Babes" makes me wonder a bit about the character vs Actor. Tell me nobody else finds that name odd.

Back to GIFs

Easter Island. Really? *snort*

Also, I swear they plucked that diner from a Norman Rockwell painting.

Yes Doctor. You've had wine and you spat it out then too. You know, there's a fanfic I read where it details how Eleven is a fussy eater. It is my personal canon.

Saw. It. Coming.

You know, I made a video. It's about all the Disney Deathing that Moff does. It turned out really well, although it was meant to be the video equivalent of Bo Burnham's "Oh Bo". If you don't get that reference, don't worry. You are in the majority.

Gee, River. Bet you wish you had your blaster and not a good old fashioned Revolver now, don't ya?. Come to think of it, The Doctor says she has her own gun. Yet, we never see where she gets it from. Really, I doubt she has it in Prison with her. It's a (semi) canon fact that The Doctor gave her the Sonic Blaster she has in the Library. (Jack's old one). My theory is The Doctor also holds onto that white blaster she always carries on their adventures. Because think about it. She didn't have it in Pandorica until after he arrived. Also, she doesn't have it in Day of the Moon until they go up against the Silence, when she comes out of the TARDIS. Yep, that's my theory and I'm sticking to it. It's River's gun, The Doctor (by now having realized how handy a girl with a gun is) just holds it for her and lets her have it when he feels she needs it.

Ok, this intrigues me. How did he know to bring the gas? Obviously he was told, but when?

If resolving this means bringing Canton back for another episode, I will be very pleased. I liked him.

oooh FIRE

And if you didn't see THAT coming, I'm taking your Whovian card from you.

Has anyone else noticed that Eleven buffyspeaks?

Must say, I love how The Doctor has actively started flirting with River. Kinda amuses me.

This bit just made me laugh.

Leaning on the fourth wall much?

Did I mention I like Canton?


Of course. Bwahahahaha.


You know, my friend picked up on the scream mask thing in about 2 seconds.

Gotta love people. Doing exactly as you tell them not to. Which was kinda the point.

Dear word that's dirty.

I think this is about the point where I started shouting at the screen.

Of course, the episode can't end without killing Rory. Really, it's sad. When was the last normal episode they went without doing so? I believe The Pandorica Opens. Well, sort of. It was a case of it never being him in the first place. They tease his death/kill him 3 times in Series 5, and he's only in 6 episodes. And this Series it has been EVERY HONKIN EPISODE.  Moff, I am quickly growing to hate you. At least when Rusty killed someone they stayed dead. (Usually)

You know, for not looking where she is shooting, Amy comes pretty damn close to getting a headshot on the little girl. Well she headshots the suit, just the girls head is tiny inside it. My mind travels back to Journey's End where Davros tells the Doctor he turns his companions into weapons. Well, a checkmark for Ameila Pond.

This concludes the gifspam for Impossible Astronaut.

I'm off to eat. and then Vid. And complain some more.


series 6

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