Who wants any of this stuff and can pick it up this week? (or possibly at
marnameow's cheese party on Saturday)
Writing Gnome Applications
ASP in a Nutshell
Open Source: The Unauthorised White Papers
Open Sources: Voices from the open source revolution
Rebel Code: linux and the open source revolution
The Cathedral and the Bazaar
TeX Unbound
Learning Perl
Programming Perl 3rd Ed
Programming Perl 3rd Ed copy 2
Hacking Cyberspace
Understanding the Linux Kernel (2.4 version)
C by Example
Will This Do? - Auberon Waugh
Smart & Gets Things Done
Database Nation
Just For Fun - Linus Torvalds
802.11 Wireless Networks
Designing with JavaScript
The Joy Of Linux
VBScript in a Nutshell
SQL in a Nutshell
Linux Socket Programming by example
Linux Programming by example
TCP/IP Network Administration
Secrets & Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World - Schneier
Why is Sex Fun?
Free as in Freedom - Richard Stallman's crusade for free software
Unix Power Tools
Fast guide to Cubase SX
Just XSL
Practical Unix & Internet Security
Hacking Linux Exposed
Hacking Exposed
Perl! I didn't know you could do that...
Solaris 8 security
Practical C programming
Perl in a Nutshell
Unix in a Nutshell - SVR4 version
Mysql (DuBois)
JavaServer Pages
CGI Programming with Perl
FreeBSD unleashed 2nd Ed
HTML & XHTML the definitive guide
The Knowledge: Crashing computers
SCO OpenServer - Handbook, Installation Handbook, Release Notes
Don't Make Me Think!
Optimizing Unix for Performance
Modern Unix (i.e. mid '90s modern unix)
Programming Web Graphics with Perl & GNU Software
An Introduction to Berkeley Unix
Slackware Professional User's Guide (not remotely recent)
The Magic Garden Explained - the internals for Unix SVR4
Linux Kernal Internals (v2.0 kernel)
Yes I am a bit of a geek, why do you ask? And so is