Oooh yeah. I nearly screwed the pooch (as my brother is fond of saying) big time.
Woke up with a horrible head cold/sinus thing and stumbled around barely coherent getting the kids off to school. Went back to bed for a few hours, dragged myself out to the sofa and was sitting there doing absolutely nothing when I realize that had indeed forgotten it was the son's birthday today. Woo. Go me. Just thank god hubby was working from home today. Stuck him with care of Babygirl, threw on clothes and jetted to the bakery (I'd actually remembered to order his cake and cupcakes for school last week) to pick up the cupcakes for school and screeched into the parking lot with five minutes to spare before his class went to lunch. I'm telling you, a guardian angel was looking out for me.
Had a bit of a sweet moment at school. I had to go track the son down and met his class in the hallway. He ran up to give me a hug and then as I was talking to the teacher, I saw one of his friends nudge him and say, "Is that your mom? She's pretty." *melts* Son, in turn, puffed up, looked exceedingly proud (thank god he's not so old that hearing someone say his mom is pretty skeeves him out), threw his arms around my waist and declared, "Yeah."
What a long way he's come in nine years. In fact, nine years ago right now, he was about four hours old and being rushed to the NICU where later that night they'd bring me down telling me that he was critical and they weren't sure he was going to survive until morning. Wow, that was such a long time ago. And now he's just... big. And wonderful, even though I don't tell him nearly enough. Definitely need to do that more in the coming year. Anyhow, enough sap for now. I leave you with picspam, such as I have online of my baby boy through the years.