Adding my ramblings about Ghost Machine to the queue.
So, Torchwood, ep3. Wow. I was impressed. No, it wasn’t the same kind of romp we had in the first two eps, but it had an appeal all its own. I absolutely love that we saw more depth to Owen. Maybe there’s more to him than the perverted little prick he shows the world. I’d say that’s very, very likely. I think we also saw the seeds sown for an Owen/Gwen affair if what the spoilers imply are true. They had a bond over both seeing things through the ghost machine. At first I would have said Owen was far more traumatized, but by the end, poor Gwen was equally wounded.
The Gwen/Jack dynamic is interesting. They have the chemistry (although really, is there anyone Jack doesn’t have chemistry with???) to be lovers, but there seems to be a very loving friendship developing there. While the gun scene was hot (in a word: GUH), the tenderness between them at the very end on the rooftop was so very sweet in a completely non-carnal way.
And Jack doesn’t sleep. Another Time Lord trait. Very interesting.
manticoran was mentioning the other day that she wondered how long it has been for Jack since the Game Station and if he’d possible been on Earth for much longer than we think. I’m beginning to wonder if that’s the case. He seems to know his ‘abilities’ with a surety of living with them for quite a while. They aren’t new to him. There’s a weary resignation that smacks of living with this ‘curse’ for a long time and knowing that he can’t change it. Makes me want to cry and shag hug him all at once. I noticed him talking about possible timelines was also very Doctorish. *ponders the parallels*
Okay, am I just a wacko or did anyone else think ‘vampire’ when Jack make a comment about the sun coming up and implying Ianto needed to get the ghost machine put away before it did? *looks sheepish*
Back to Owen for a mo’. I’m much more interested in his character now. As other people have mentioned, I think there is some trauma in his past that was twinged by what he saw via the ghost machine. I’m really looking forward to more development with the character, because now that the surface has been scratched, it seems there may be some deep waters under the prickish exterior. Even so, I still have a hard time imagining Gwen having an affair with him, but we’ll see. I do rather hope that’s where it’s going. Not because I have any fascination with the pairing, but because it isn’t the obviously choice, like Jack/Gwen is/would be.
All in all, great episode and I can’t wait to see the next!