RULES: ~you must upload these pictures to your own servers!! I say that because I have a tendancy to make WAY too much stuff and do not have enough bandwith on my webhosting site for it so I am forced to delete stuff once in a while and I'd hate for you all to go colourbarless b/c of that. ^_^ ~COMMENT IF YOU ARE GOING TO USE ANY!! I like to know if my stuff is used at all so I can make my stuff better. ~DO NOT CHANGE THE LINK THAT THE COLOURBAR LINKS BACK TO!! It is how you credit me for the colourbar and I spent time and effort on these so PLEASE don't take them without the credit attached to them.
I know I didn't get every pairing in FF:VII Advent Children there could possibly be, so I'll be acepting requests. Even if you think of something clever to go with a pairing I've already done I'll add it in to the pile. So if you have a pairing you just absolutely LOVE and I didn't mention them, you cna request them. I won't turn anyone down over a pairing. ^_^ If you want it to say anything other than "______ is Love" you'll have to make sure you say that. Otherwise I'll just tag them all as such. Anyway remember the rules and I hope you enjoy. ^_^