~you must upload these pictures to your own servers!! I say that because I have a tendancy to make WAY too much stuff and do not have enough bandwith on my webhosting site for it so I am forced to delete stuff once in a while and I'd hate for you all to go colourbarless b/c of that. ^_^
~COMMENT IF YOU ARE GOING TO USE ANY!! I like to know if my stuff is used at all so I can make my stuff better.
~DO NOT CHANGE THE LINK THAT THE COLOURBAR LINKS BACK TO!! It is how you credit me for the colourbar and I spent time and effort on these so PLEASE don't take them without the credit attached to them.
naruto_x_temari IF YOU'RE A NARUTO X TEMARI FAN!!!
Other than that enjoy. ^_^
Border around entire bar only:
Temari x Naruto is Fiesty Love">http://www.your image hosting site/you picture's name/">
Temari x Naruto is Fiesty Love
Temari x Naruto is Kawaii Love">http://www.your image hosting site/you picture's name/">
Temari x Naruto is Kawaii Love
Temari x Naruto is Love">http://www.your image hosting site/you picture's name/">
Temari x Naruto is Love Border around all pictures and bar:
Temari x Naruto is Fiesty Love">http://www.your image hosting site/you picture's name/">
Temari x Naruto is Fiesty Love
Temari x Naruto is Kawaii Love">http://www.your image hosting site/you picture's name/">
Temari x Naruto is Kawaii Love
Temari x Naruto is Love">http://www.your image hosting site/you picture's name/">
Temari x Naruto is Love Thanks for stopping by! and if you're interested in anime livejournal layouts check out my community,
animeljlayouts! ^_^