01 - Do what you want, 'cause a pirate is free [text/video]

Oct 08, 2010 20:28

[text: everyone]

Uh, I'm sorry for not being able to go exploring on the boat. I ended up on a pirate ship instead.

... Does that happen often?

If anyone needs me, I'll be at Starbucks drinking coffee until this headache disappears.

[And also enjoying an environment that is so much quieter than earlier. In this case, it is a good thing for this Agent.]

[video: filtered to EBA]

Can someone take this out? [points to the gold dangling thing sticking out of his afro and then gives it a tug] Got it when we became pirates, and it's stuck.

[He's annoyed as hell about that for some reason, even though word of mod says his clothes will revert to normal in a few hours. He doesn't know that.]

[character] agent derek

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