I apologize to those who see this twice and those who do not go to Pennsic.
But, while this is currently a Pennsic rule, I am concerned it may spread.
I had heard about this last week, and I had assumed - incorrectly - that it was a misinterpretation, but I was wrong, I went away to War Camp, so I figured it all would have been explained by the time I got back.
The discussion has not hit the EK List yet, but it popped up on the Ealdormere list and generated a solid discussion.
It saddens me a great deal that I do not want to post this note to the EK List, because it's just not worth the hassle.
New Pennsic University policy this year:
No youths under the age of 18 may attend activities in an A&S venue without
a parent or legal guardian.
Among other things, that means classes in public A&S tents.
Someone wrote to the Pennsic Mayor, and his response was:
"As an official staffer, please refer them to Mistress Chai, Deputy Mayor of
Cultural Affairs. She and Ardenia, Deputy Mayor of Event Resources and
Society Youth Officer, worked this policy out after much deliberation."
Chai is at
culturalaffairs@pennsicwar.org Ardenia's is
eventresources@pennsicwar.org In another e-mail, someone suggested the following addresses as well.
SCA Board of Directors:
Ombudsman for Legal Committee:
Baron Aaron Palomides of Buckminster
Aaron L. (Rusty) Lloyd
alloyd@director.sca.org Ombudsman for A&S:
Dux Lucius Aurelius Valharic
Tom Noble
tnoble@director.sca.org Personally, I see this as extremely ill-advised. I think it will badly damage the future of the Society, particularly if it becomes a Society rule, not use a Pennsic rule.
I think it also sends an unfortunate message you our youth, especially our middle teen-agers, that we do not trust them.
I believe I understand the genesis of the rule, and I hope to hear back on that.
I could rant for another 50 lines with the reasons I think this is wrong.
I think the important thing right now is to see if we can get this changed before Pennsic. That’s why I included the addresses.