Application, Contact Info, OOC

Sep 01, 2011 23:41

.the mundane;
» Name: Jill
» Age: I'm double that.
» Journal: la_belle_roo
» Contact: AIM - ninjanevermore / Email -

.the myth;
» Pantheon: Greek
» God(dess): Pheme
» Reference: wiki, theoi
» Family: {mother} Gaia
» Played By: Chloe Grace Moretz
» Human Alias: Caradoc Leigh Boudreaux
» Human Age: 13 14
» Ability: As the personification of fame and renown as well as the goddess of rumour and report Pheme has the ability to get people to tell her things they usually wouldn't reveal. The usefulness of the information she gets is dependent on the persons' will - the lower the persons' will the more scandalous the story.
» Occupation: n/a

» History: "A lie can run around the world six times before the truth can get its pants on." - Mark Twain

The final child of Gaia, Pheme is the personification of fame and renown, the goddess of rumour, report, and gossip. Known to govern notability and good repute as well as scandal and infamy, Virgil wrote of her as having multiple ears, eyes, feathers, and tongues but ancient Greek artwork portrayed her as looking more like a traditional goddess. Spending her days living in a home with a thousand windows that sat at the very center of the world between land, sea, and sky - the better to hear everything being said all around the word - she rarely stopped to care about the content of what she was hearing as she was more concerned with making sure as many people heard it as possible.

She enjoyed eavesdropping on gods and mortals alike, considering any little nugget of information that reached her to be worthy of repeating. A tremendous gossip, she was known to repeat whatever she'd heard starting softly and growing louder until she was sure everyone knew. Pheme understood the power of a good story; aware that even after someone died the tales of their acts would live on catapulting them to near-Godlike status or condemning their reputation. Woe betide those who ignored her presence or somehow upset her, since she saw nothing wrong with obliterating someones' good name if it suited her purposes.

The swiftness with which she operated was well-regarded, which was why many of the Olympians felt it prudent to use Pheme for their own purposes, dropping a bit of pertinent information where she could hear it knowing full well what the results would be like. It was through this method that Aphrodite punished the Lemnian women, and that the news of Lykourgos being driven mad by the god Dionysus was discovered. Statues of Pheme, such as the one that adorned her altar in Athens, depicted her with a trumpet and wings looking angelic. The Romans referred to her as Fama but to Homer she was known as Ossa, and as it was often difficult to trace a report back to its' source any news she spread was said to have come from Zeus, making others consider her a messenger of his.

» Reincarnations: First reincarnation - Adora-Ann Bevens, from Essex, England, born in 1366 - as part of a farming family where she worked hard up until she died when her family was drawn into the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381 after a certain someone ran their mouth.

Second reincarnation - Fedora Galyinka, from Moscow, Russia, born in 1592 - from a lower class family, died a victim of the Russian famine at the age of 9.

Third reincarnation - Sarabeth Figgis, from Baltimore, Maryland, born in 1824 - lived a simple life with her widowed father, a cemetery caretaker. On the eve of her thirteenth birthday she was bit by a rabid dog and died of complications from the resulting acute encephalitis.

Current reincarnation - Caradoc Leigh Boudreaux, from Crowley, Acadia Parish, Louisiana, born November 13th, 1997 to a college student by the name of Naomi Kane after a passionate but brief relationship with an up and coming fighter named Arron who she met at a bar during Mardi Gras festivities. Not usually one to engage in such reckless behavior, especially as she was on a break from her boyfriend at the time, Naomi was able to reunite with her ex and convince him that the child she was carrying was his. Her duplicity paid off when he chose to ‘do the right thing’ and marry her, ensuring that both she and her daughter would be taken care of.

Growing up in a strict Catholic household where it was widely considered a rule that children were best when seen and not heard, Caradoc often found herself helping her mother to entertain the ladies of the neighborhood who would come over after church. It was there that she first got an idea of the power of gossip as she listened to the various ‘news’ of the neighborhood and saw the effect that certain whispered words could have on how people were treated. Being around that atmosphere triggered her remembrances of her former life as Pheme, although she was too young to know it at the time.

Her life wasn't anything special - lots of playing outside, making friends, attempting to do her best in school - but as she got older it became obvious that she was different from the other kids around her. People had a tendency to tell her things, without her prompting them, and Caradoc being the little blabbermouth that she was would repeat them verbatim, unaware of the damage she might cause. One day, shortly after her thirteenth birthday, a friend of her mothers’ was visiting from New York and happened to reveal the fact that the man Caradoc thought was her father really wasn’t. Stunned by the news, she went and asked her mother about it. Confronted with the truth, Naomi broke down and admitted her past indiscretion.

Everything seemed to change quite swiftly after that. In an attempt to repair the rift that had sprung up in their marriage Caradoc’s parents spent most of their time alone until one day about five months later they let her know that she was going to be a big sister. She was excited by this, but her happiness soon dimmed when it became apparent that after the revelation that she wasn’t of his blood Caradoc’s father couldn’t stand to be around her. After discussing the situation, her mother decided it would be for the best to send her off to live with some relatives for a little while, but as her relationship with her own parents was strained ever since she chose to move to Louisiana Naomi had no choice but to send a letter to her brother Julian in NYC asking about sending Caradoc there to stay with him.

Soon, a ticket was bought and all the things she deemed worthy of taking with her were packed up. As there had been no response from her uncle Julian after the letter was sent Caradoc would be staying with her mothers’ friend to start, but was to contact with her uncle as soon as possible. Before she left, her mother handed her a folder that contained all the information she had collected regarding Caradoc’s actual father, a man by the name of Arron Wimund who owned a club in New York, along with a letter that she was to have her uncle give to Mr. Wimund explaining the situation. Still new to the city, she’s been biding her time and trying to get used to things before announcing her presence and seeking out her uncle, and possibly her father.

» Personality: Pheme is, more than anything, a girl who wants to know everything there is to know about those around her, and to make sure others know it too. At her core, she lives for the thrill of finding out that little bit of information that will make everyone gasp and for the brief moment while she’s recounting it will make her the center of everyone’s world. It’s not that she’s an attention whore, because she’s not, more like a collector of reactions. The way your jaw drops and eyes widen when she tells you all about what she learned - that is her drug. Being able to impart some salacious tidbit and knowing she was the first to bring such things to someone’s attention makes her so happy she could burst.

Once described as "she who initiates and furthers communication", Pheme has this intensely penetrating way of watching people, listening and observing them, as though she's waiting for them to say or do something that she can file away for future usage. Eager and gleeful in her meddling, she’s the type of girl who leans over the divider between booths in the restaurant to inform you, with a smile, that she didn’t mean to eavesdrop but she couldn’t help but overhear what you said. Some may consider her way of doing things to be prying, and while they’re certainly right there’s so much more to it than that. As far as Pheme’s concerned she’s a helpful little imp who shares what she’s learned so others can enjoy it, and in this the age of Facebook, texting, and twitter it's much easier to spread the word. Just a click of a button and it's out there for everyone to see.

Being raised around people who valued gossip as currency while going out of their ways to keep their own secrets hidden taught Pheme how to appear nonthreatening while simultaneously helping to potentially raise or ruin someones' reputation. Though tougher than she looks, especially when it comes to dealing with getting mocked or teased, being shorter than an average girl of her age adds to the illusion that she doesn't have what it takes to defend herself physically. While she's an excellent runner she has no fighting skills to speak of beyond that of her barbed tongue, so she seeks to avoid conflict as much as she can. Although she isn't always successful, she has a stubborn streak a mile wide and has been known to come back from getting beaten down with a vengeance.

Virgil is quoted as saying Pheme "had her feet on the ground, and her head in the clouds, making the small seem great and the great seem greater" and he was right - she can take even the smallest, most trivial bit of gossip and make it into a scandal with just a few well-chosen words. Her ability to stretch the truth in such a way that it adds to whatever she's crowing about now is nearly flawless. Due to a tendency to blow even the tiniest of things out of proportion and a love of casual exaggeration it’s something of a given that in regards to loyalty and allegiances she doesn't have many. There are certain lines she won’t cross, such as those pertaining to her own secrets, but that doesn’t mean she won’t blur them on occasion.

Sarcastic, smug, and even a little facetious when dealing with those who refuse to accept that her words carry weight, Pheme is most comfortable when she has some measure of control over a situation. Whether it be the ability to leave first or the knowledge that something big is going down, she prefers even the slightest bit of pretense that she can call the shots. When she gets into a situation where someone has to bail her out of trouble or has the upper hand she knows how to act insignificant enough for them to feel she’s just not worth their making a big deal out of things, though if she ends up owing someone she is smart enough to always pay her debts. If her putting in a good word for you can help and will get you off her back, then she’ll say whatever you need her to in order to survive.

Intense and temperamental, Pheme has difficulty trusting people ever since finding out about her mothers' deceptions. Although she's known for her ability to talk a good game she rarely opens up about herself, and when prodded to do so she gives only the most basic of answers. She has the potential to be quite manipulative if given the right incentive, though she doesn't often indulge that side of herself. She can be incredibly contradictory and hypocritical, playing the part of a concerned friend promising it's just between us while using her phone under the table to make sure everyone and their mother is up to speed on your dark, soul-crushing secret, and when push comes to shove her lack of maturity can be her undoing in many a serious situation.

Everyone’s a target when it comes to Pheme’s loose lips, though that doesn’t mean everything she says is bad. Indeed, she can be someone’s biggest cheerleader if they let her, talking up their good deeds and making sure the whole world knows just how amazing they are. If given the chance she could be your best friend; she’s certainly pleasant enough and an excellent listener; though don’t make the mistake of assuming that she’d have your back if the situation called for it - she’s more than willing to throw someone under the bus if it means saving her own ass in the process. This girl looks out for number one, and no mistake - her fickleness is almost an art form at the speed with which she judges others to be friend or foe - and when it comes down to it she doesn’t fear the repercussions of her actions. What’s the worst thing they could do, really?

application, ooc
