Hello my dear f-list. I've been dead to the internet world because of certain university obligations - dead to the internet save for IM-ing and whining about my life.
Hence I introduce: *drumrole* 30 Days Meme! Starting now.
India Foxtrot Yankee Oscar Uniform Charlie Alpha November Uniform November Delta Echo Romeo Sierra Tango Alpha November Delta Tango Hotel India Sierra, Charlie Oscar Papa Yankee Alpha November Delta Papa Alpha Sierra Tango Echo India Tango Tango Oscar Yankee Oscar Uniform Romeo Lima India Victor Echo Juliet Oscar Uniform Romeo November Alpha Lima
If you had me alone...locked up in your house for twenty-four hours and I had to do whatever you wanted me to, what would you do with me? Comments screened just in case ;D Post anon if you want, even. Then repost this in your LJ - or don't. You might be surprised with the responses you get.