PARTICIPANTS: Ben Edlund (BE), Eric Kripke (EK), Jensen Ackles (JA), Sera Gamble (SG)
MODERATOR: Craig Tomashoff (CT)
Part 3
CT: Now actually, the important part of the show. We’re going to throw it open to questions. I understand people have some.
Q1: It’s actually not so much a question, as a comment. One, Jensen, I just went to see “Ten Inch Hero” on Wednesday, …
JA: Thank you.
Q1: …and two, I’m here on behalf of some people from Fandom Rocks, which is an organization, a group of fans looking to donate money to charity, and they have some letters for you, Mr. Kripke, Jensen, and also one for Jared, before he wasn’t here. Is it all right if I bring it up…?
CT (pointing in unison with EK at WB rep in audience): You can pass it on over there to the Warner Bros people.
JA: Thank you.
EK: Right there. They will get to us. Thank you very much.
CT: All right, next.
Q2: Hi. So I’m sure there’s a couple of different cars that you use when you’re filming the show. Obviously, this is a car question. So, I just wanted to know what size engine does it have?
EK (looking around quizzically): Is that an entendre?
Q2: I like classic cars!
EK: It felt like one, didn’t it? I, uh, (to Jensen) do you know? I honestly, there’s the transport department up there that, uh…
JA: There’s a 427 in one, I know…
EK: Nice! (He says something else under his breath while Jensen is talking, but it’s hard to hear)
JA: …that’s the biggest, that’s the biggest one we’ve got. That’s the stunt one. That’s the one we’ve got... We’ve got some hydraulic brakes, we’ve got skid plates on that one, we’ve got some stabilizing bars underneath it, uh…
BE: Jensen is a man! (I thought he might have said “the man”, but checked it, and he said “a man.”)
EK: Wow.
Q2: Thank you.
JA (laughs and leans backs sheepishly before continuing): And then we have a few others that are kind of, you know, “picture cars” that y’know, *run*, but none of them, none of them feels as good as that one.
EK: I’m impressed, man.
Q3: Oh, I think it’s awesome that I’m here to see you guys.
EK: Cool.
Q3: My question is, in “All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1,” we find out that Mary has some connection with the Yellow-Eyed Demon. I’m wondering if that will be elaborated on in the future, because the Yellow-Eyed Demon is dead?
EK: Right. Well, you leave Sam as sort of the sole survivor of all that, so yes, the question is sort of, “Which path is Sam going to go down?” But for now, for the time being, with the Yellow-Eyed Demon dead, he’s not having visions anymore. He’s not having any of his premonitions. He’s just back to being a regular, red-blooded guy, fighting demons, you know? And it leads into this bigger issue of this war, and all the demons that they have to fight. But yeah, there are those issues. We certainly don’t drop that thread. We’ll continue it throughout the season. But no more psychic kids. I got sick of them, but one. You know, Sam’s left, but all the other ones…They were great actors and great episodes, but by the end, I was like, “Okay, we need to kill them all.”
(Jensen says something to Kripke about an upcoming episode, but his face is away from the mic)
EK: Yeah, yeah, and in the second episode, there’s a big, sort of reveal about Mom, because if you remember the episode you’re referencing, it’s like, “Wait, Mom knew this demon? And what’s the connection?” And we definitely track that mystery through, as well.
Q3: I’d like to make a comment. I like how you used “Carry On, Wayward Son” for the recap…
EK: Sweet!
Q4: Hey, thank you guys for all being here. That’s pretty sweet. You guys have the greatest show I’ve ever seen…
EK: Cool, man! Thanks! Thanks a lot
Q4: I was wondering, you guys are dealing with a lot of dark material, obviously, like urban legends and references to…paganism and stuff. I was just wondering if you got anything supernatural or unusual going on on set?
EK: Jensen?
JA: Everyday, man! No, there hasn’t been anything…I mean, we’re so used to a hundred plus people working on set, so the bangs and the things dropping and the, y’know, just working on set itself is scary in its own right, but I don’t think we’ve had anything to write home about as far as being, “Whoa!” or “We’re dealing with something that’s actually present.” And if we are, we have the means to take care of it.
Q4: Thank you.
(voice in the crowd): I love you, Jensen!
JA: Love you too.
Q5: I love you too! (Jensen laughs) Okay, first off, I wanted to say, thank you for making a fantastic show. Since the pilot, I’ve loved every episode.
EK: Cool. Thank you.
Q5: With all the long hours that you guys were working, and the time that you put in, I’m sure that pranks and jokes are pulled. And Jensen, I wanted to know, what’s the favorite that has been pulled on you, or that you pulled on somebody else?
JA: Oh, man. Let me get out my list…Uh, you know, Kim Manners, writer - not writer, uh…director and executive producer of the show, got us pretty good last season. He actually changed the entire schedule - shooting schedule - around, so that he could have this one shot done at the end of the day, which was Jared and I climbing down into a sewer. And they built up this big, long, probably fifteen-foot pipe with a ladder in it, on set that we were to climb down. I climbed in first, and I was all the way down at the bottom. There was nowhere to go because it was a set, and Jared’s coming…y’know, he’s coming in from up top, and right as soon as he gets all the way in, and I’m down there, kind of crouched, waiting, two five-gallon buckets of water come over the top, and I looked up, and I’m just, “That’s not in the script.” (much laughter from the audience) Too late! But we got him back.
JA: And Eric can tell you…another thing that people always ask, y’know, “What pranks do you play on Jared? What pranks does he play on you?” And we quickly decided that to pit each other against…to pit ourselves against each other was not the way to go, so we actually get crew members and people that come up, and it’s more of, more of a team effort.
EK: By the way, the water getting dumped on him, we rolled camera on, to film it. It’s on the season two gag reel. (loud applause)
Q6: Hi, I’m a really big fan. I was just wondering, Dean has a lot of one-liners that are hilarious that crack fans up. I know two of my favorites are “I hope your apple pie is freakin’ worth it” and “I full on Swayzed that mother.” So I wanted to know what your favorite is, Jensen.
JA: Oh, there’s so many. I’m not sure that I have a favorite, I…you know. There’s…they come…they make me laugh out loud a lot of times, y’know? I don’t know. Eric, what are some of your favorites?
EK: Oh, man. Right now?
JA: I know, right?
EK: Trying to think of them?
JA: It’s like, there’s so many…
(voice in the audience): “Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole!”
JA: Get her a drink!
EK: Yeah, that’s one! I’ll go with that one.
JA: Yeah, why not?
Q6: Thank you.
JA: Yeah, thank you.
Q7: I’d like to know if anyone on the panel has one scene that they think was their best work, and it was cut for time, and you’re still kind of sad. (I think this is what she said after “cut for time,” but I can’t be sure)
BE: That opens up a very, very bad can of worms.
EK: Uh, no, we actually, uh… Season one used to have that problem a lot, where there were whole scenes we would lift. But no, by their very nature, they’re liftable, y’know? So if you can tell the story without ‘em. A lot of times, you just don’t…you don’t need them. Season two we actually rarely had that problem. We sort of learned what the hell we were doing, and we kind of came on track, so…No, I mean, if you guys see…I mean, again, the deleted scenes and all that stuff like, I don’t know if there’s…we put every deleted scenes on the DVD, and I don’t know if there’s any that would like, blow you away…
JA: That really stand out…
EK: Oh, yeah, they would be like, “Oh, yeah, they cut that! Yeah, smart! Smart!”
JA (shaking his head): “Not your best work.”
Q8: Hi, my question about season 3 and whether or not there are any plans to show the Winchester boys pre-series again like you did in “Something Wicked”?
EK: Oh. Um, we’re…broken up story ideas through the first ten at this point. There’s currently no plan for that, but we love that idea. Y’know, the little Winchesters are sort of like a fun thing to go back to, and if we find the right story, and it gives Jared and Jensen some time off, so they’re always like, “How about the little Winchesters?”
JA (dropping his head in mock exhaustion): “Yeah, the kids! That was a great idea!..”
EK: “Yeah, I loved that idea! You should do that! We should do the whole series…”
JA: “…Roll that!”
EK: But, I do like that notion. A lot of it is actually on Jeffrey’s availability, because you can’t have the kids without Dad, and that’s sort of what’s interesting about it. And he’s a very busy man these days, but if we were able to make it work out, I mean, we love that idea, and it’s something that could work out great for us.
Q8: Thanks, and a great season end: Whoever came up with the idea of using “Renegade” at the end of “Nightshifter” was awesome!
EK (pointing at Ben): It was Ben. It was Ben.
JA: You know, I think to date, that is my favorite music cue.
EK: Yeah! So cool!
(voice from the audience): Best episode!
BE: It was Phil [Sgriccia] too. I mean, he made that really work.
EK: Yeah, Phil.
BE: He had to choose the right part of the song, and choose the right stuff to see. It worked beautifully, I agree.
JA: Yeah.
EK: Totally.
Q9: Do you have any production problems shooting actors that are so, uh…tall?
EK: Yeah, we built…we built this trough that Jared walks back and forth in. He’s actually 7’3”! And uh…no, no, no! I mean, you know, we call him…Kim affectionately refers to him as “Sasquatch.” But um, sometimes we have issues…we never have issues with two of these guys, because they’re both strapping young men. (Jensen straightens up in his seat ☺) But um, every so often, when we bring in, you know, like a female guest cast, it’s like (looks skyward), “Well, Sam…”
EK: A lot of times, we absolutely stand them on apple boxes off camera, so they’re standing on a, like, two-foot riser, just to kind of get up into Jared’s orbit.
JA: That’s true, because if you have a shot that’s over, you know, over her shoulder, looking at Jared, if it was without any lifting…
EK: the camera’s going to be up…
JA: …it would be up his nose…
Q9: Thank you.
JA: …which, nobody wants that!
Q10: Hi, in season 2…
EK: Check out the Metallicar shirt! That’s sweet! Right on!
Q10: In season 2, Sam didn’t get to drive the Impala on screen, at all. Is there a reason behind that? And is he going to drive it in season 3?
JA (in all seriousness =): Because it’s MY car!
EK: Yeah, that’s the answer, man! Personally, in the room, I always get pissed when they’re like, “And then Sam drives the Impala.” I’m like, “Why does Dean let him drive it?!” Y’know? So yeah, it’s Dean’s car!
SG: And we’re like, “Because Dean just got shot in the leg!”
Q11: While she’s still standing, this is the woman who does the Plastic Winchester fansite (?) She actually has them with her, but she’s too embarrassed to ask if you could hold them up so she can take a picture?
CT: No, you can’t do it now.
EK: What are they?
Q11: They’re Plastic Winchesters…
EK: Sorry.
(WB rep in audience mentions, I think, the autograph signing following the panel.)
Q11: Okay, so now to my question. The music. Everyone has said that the music on the show is just fantastic. Thank you so much for bringing *good* music back to the American television landscape (landscape? audience? I couldn’t hear). On the CW boards, we have a thread where we, y’know, try to pick out what the music is from each episode. We have some holes, and we have some cases where we don’t have the music. We know what it is, but we don’t…we can’t find it…
EK: Uh, huh…
Q11: …is there ever going to be an official list of all the songs that are on the show, and then are there ever going to be a way where we can download it? Or see the “official” soundtrack, which would be awesome. (the last sentence is inaudible)
EK: We tried, and just because, y’know…I hear ya, this music is…
Q11: Phenomenal!
EK: …y’know, my passion, and so…We tried actually to do an official soundtrack. The…honestly, maybe, y’know, I don’t know, find the right person to write to at Warner Music. They weren’t interested. They said, because there’s so many classic rock compilations, that Supernatural would just be another one, and they just didn’t quite see a market for it. (reaction from the audience). I KNOW!
(Jensen says something to Sera at this point and also says “I know.”)
EK: It’s not like we’re biased or anything! And so, we tried, and they actually said no to us, but maybe, you know, that’s a cool idea, and we do certainly have the list, so if nothing else, we could put a playlist together on iTunes or something and…somebody in our gang write that down and let’s deal with that on Monday.
Q11: Give me your email address, I’ll tell you…(inaudible) Thank you.
EK: Thank you.
CT: We have time for just a couple more.
Q12: Hi.
EK: Hi.
Q12: I know somebody else asked about the pranks and everything, but…What has been - and this is for everybody - what has been…like, has there been a moment where something really amusing, or something really just out of the blue has happened during production that’s been funny or strange? Not supernatural or anything, no pun intended.
JA: Oh, there’s stuff that happens all the time. I mean, even just yesterday, I was shooting a scene with a little boy who comes up and gives me a hug, and he has this, like, Nintendo case in his hand, and it hooks to my jacket, and as he takes off …(pantomimes wrist getting dragged). And that was just…another time, yesterday as well, I was supposed to reach in the Impala and grab my bag. Well, the props person had shut the bag’s strap in the door, so when I went to get out, it was like…(pantomimes getting jerked backwards)…”What is with this?” It’s a constant occurrence, and usually you’ll see them on the gag reels.
Q12 (still the same person, I think): One quick question and really random. What was the music for the film reel that was playing?
EK: That was Robert Rodriguez song…
JA: Robert Rodriguez.
EK: …on, I think, “Once Upon a Time in Mexico.” And Phil Sgriccia, again, he cut that, at the end of last season instead of working, so…but, yeah…
Q12: Thank you.
CT: Next, probably get two more?
Q13: During the last season you did some really, really excellent promos. I was really glad to see those ProMax BDA(?) giving five awards for those promos. Um, I was wondering if you are preserving those? Will they be available on the DVD collection? Things like the Johnny Cash-“God’s Gonna Cut You Down”…
EK: Oh, um…No, but what a great idea. The season two DVDs are already done, and unfortunately those promos aren’t on them, but that’s a really good idea for the future. I mean, some of those are really badass, and actually, I have to give…There’s two guys, Anthony and Chris at the CW who are, like, as passionate about the show as everybody here. And they’re always cutting these promos and showing them to us. They cut that Johnny Cash thing. They’re really kicking ass, so…But no, not on the DVD, unfortunately, but maybe we’ll figure out someplace.
Q13: Fantastic. I hope there are some people here who have never seen Supernatural who are now going to go home and start watching them!
EK: Thank you.
CT: Okay, last question.
Q14: Hello, I just wanted to know who the genius behind the music…if it was one person, or a group effort on choosing.
EK: It’s a group effort. I’m the one who says, “Don’t even bring me anything after 1980.” But Phil Sgriccia, we have a music supervisor Alex, and everyone’s always combing for like, y’know, “What’s a Foreigner song?” or y’know, “What’s a classic rock song we haven’t heard yet, that we all remember, but we haven’t heard in like 10 years that we can put in the show?” So, no, it’s definitely, definitely a group effort.
Q14: Well, it’s all very, very good.
EK: Thanks.
Q14: Thank you.
CT: Thank you, now before we’re gonna have to wrap it up, I know you have something you wanted to say?
EK: Yeah, one thing I wanted to say is a kind of a combination “Thank you so much” and also sort of a mission:
Season 3, guys, we got…it was really touch and go whether there was going to *be* a season 3, and I want us to make sure that there’s a season 4. We love this show, and we’re passionate about it, and what we always talk about amongst ourselves is…we have some of the smartest, most passionate, most intelligent fans of any show on television, and I would ask you. I mean, in a certain way, season four is in the audience’s hands, and so, tell your friends, and spread the word, and spread the gospel of Supernatural, because we’re going to keep making them as long as we have the audience to watch it, so I would ask for your help. It’s a team effort, and we’re in this together. But for now, you guys are the greatest, and again, we have the best fans. Thank you so damned much!
CT: I have to remind you that the autograph signing is going to be at the Warner Bros. booth # 4329, starting at 4:00. Thank you guys for coming!
EK: Thank you.
Here's the clip from the panel: A fan asks about the size of the Metallicar's engine:
Click to view
You can download it here. Enjoy!