i know that this is REALLY late but better late then never right? :P
Julia Chang thank you for helping me out & making me feel better :). also thanks so ruining the strings on my sweatshirt >:O.
Claudia Cheese thanks for remembering my birthday and making me a card and for being a nice person and friend. i will get you the flower thingy from
hawaii when i go and if i remember.
Vivian Chou thank you for helping me with LJ when i first got it and then for helping me in science and with some other stuff. hopefully some of the advice that i gave you helped you too.
Christina Chuang thanks for helping me out with my problem and staying a great friend even if we didn't talk that much this year.
James Dai thanks for picking up chirag's present and giving it to him when i couldn't have gone to the party. also thanks for getting me in more trouble by calling a bunch of times.
Shreya Gopal thanks for making me feel better every time that i felt bad and helping me with my problem and being such a good friend! :) thanks for making pe fun even though i was sleepy.
Dorothy Huang you are such a good dancer! and volleyball player! and student! :) you made dancing and volleyball A LOT more fun then i thought it could be.
Britnee Hursin you kept ignorning me so that's why i ditched you :) but i still love you. everybody has their ups&downs in life. you are a great friend. let's try to solve our problems together.
Hira Khanzada at the beginning of the year i thought that you were really annoying&were trying to screw one of my friends over. now i know that i was wrong and that you are one of my bestest friends :). thanks for all of the help and the support that you have given me all year. hopefully i have helped you too. we will both get hotter and better guys at mission ;D.
Sharon Kim thanks for helping me with my problem and for making me feel better during lunch. i never really got to talk to you as much as i wanted which is kinda sad. hopefully we will have a class together at mission and i will get to know you better.
Vino Lakshmanan thanks for helping me with science and with other stuff. you are a great friend :). also thanks for not taking all of my jokes too seriously.
Alison Lee thanks for not getting too mad at me when i asked you a bunch of questions about our science project. and thanks for the patrick play-do thing. it's really cute and i still have it.
Joyanna Lin dude. after having 4 classes in a row together we had 0!!! THAT IS SCREWED UP!!! (specially since all 6 of our classes were the same subjects at the same time) NEXT YEAR WE BETTER HAVE AT LEAST 2 CLASSES TOGETHER AND I BETTER SIT NEAR YOU IN THOSE CLASSES! thanks for still being a great friend and helping me with my problem. have fun with your boyfriend ;)
Derylann Mott thanks for "helping" me -____-. and thanks for having fun with me at great america and laughing with me and going on a bunch of rides :). YOU HAVE TO TALK TO HIM NEXT YEAR!
Malavika Neti thanks for learning about my problem and laughing about it. surprisingly you made me feel better with your stories. "gossiping" with you was a lot of fun. WE WILL MEET THE HOT GUYS NEXT YEAR!
Sonia Patel thanks for helping me ask the guy for my friend and making up stories in social studies when we were supposed to be working. i liked passing notes with you and counting down minutes until we got out.
Mahita Penke you were a big help in helping me learn a little math in math class and talk with ela a little less. even though i never really learned anything it was fun.
Emily Pong thanks for stalking me and seeing me walk with my family. it's a little creepy. thanks for goofing off with me in math class and eating my clifford crackers. and dancing with me. that was fun.
Richa Saraswat you are a nice friend even if we didn't talk that much.hopefully we will have one class together so that i can know more about you besides what you had written in the Bob book.
Tiffany Sia thanks for reading little kiddie
books with me in the library when we were supposed to be doing other stuff like listening to tammie. "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus" and "I Spy" were fun.
Sneha Thatipelli thanks for helping me in english and laughing with me too. you are very smart even if you were the last one to turn in their worksheet. thanks for making me tell "spicy" stories.
Tammie Tran thanks for giving me science answers for homework and labs when i didn't do my work. and thanks for explaining some fo the things that we were taught that i didn't get.
Chirag Vasavda i used to think you were annoying in 7th grade but know i know what a great friend you can be even if you did get me sent to the round table and then laughed at me. thanks for helping me with my "love connection" -____-
Hisha Vuong you made running cross countries fun :). i'm happy that i got to know you a lot better this year. you have become a really good friend of mine.
Lillian R. Wang english was fun with you! especially final day when we sat on the ground and talked and traded flip flops and peterson looked at us all weird. you are HOT ;O
Katie Yang thanks for entertaining me in social studies by passing notes to christina across the room.
sorah seth yang thank you so much for becoming one of my friends this year. thank you for also making me feel a lot better when i was sad by making me a cute note.
Laura Yoon thanks for having fun with me in spanish (tortilla fight) and for being a good friend. thanks for tickling me and making me laugh. also thanks for singing backstreet boys with me during pe and getting their songs stuck in my head.
Chrystal Zou thanks for making the project with nikita a lot more bearable and making ricks class a lot more fun and entertaining. thanks for being a good friend and not freaking out when i told you about my problem. i'm sorry that i couldn't stay at your party but i hope you had fun and liked my present.
Ela Zutshi "Se-xai Bob" thanks for becoming one of my friends this year and helping me with my problem while i helped you with yours. hopefully we will both move on :). thanks for being a great friend. hopefully we will meet a lot over summer.
Rachel Chang thanks for letting me borrow money from you.i will pay you back the bext time that i see you! I PROMISE! :) and thanks for being a nice locker buddy.
Rebecca Crosbie thanks for putting up with my questioning about if you had gotten the
soccer pics yet or heard from tom.
Lindsay Henderson thanks for going along with vikram and i when we were teasing you during open house even if you did try to hunt me down and try to figure out my name.
Miranda Kram-Alam thanks for having fun with me during
soccer games & practices. it was fun listening to your phone and conversations :) you were very entertaining.
Lorie Lavely thank you so much for being there for me and making me laugh with your corny jokes. and thanks for offering me advice when i asked you for it. and thanks for all of the mcdonald's you gave me throughout the year :D!
Jasmine Medina thanks for keeping me focused during
soccer instead of letting coach get me in trouble for talking with miranda. you made
soccer a lot of fun.
Vikram Sangha thank you for being a great cousin at school & out of school. you are a very cool person [even if you are related to me]. have a great time at hopkins next year and i will see you at mission ;)!
Sonam Malhi thanks for making me feel better and being a great cousin and not getting too mad at me when i got mad at you for being so smart while i'm so stupid.
Sunny Sangha thanks for giving me advice at the beginning of the year and not asking me too many questions.
Manu Gill thanks for giving me great advice that i never used. oh well, it's the thought that counts!
Jasdeep Bains thanks for being the bestest friend that i could have ever imagined for the last 14 years. even though we are about 3 hours apart and only see eachother about 2 times a year at the most and call eachother on our birthday we have stayed really close :). thanks a lot!