Name: Till.
Personal LJ:
Contact Info: email. notforconsumption [at] gmail [dot] com & aim. orribleedi.
Other Characters Played: none.
Preferred Housing: n/a.
Character Name: Tom Tanaka.
Character Series: Durarara!! combination of light novel. manga. and anime.
Character Age: 26.
references & transcripts.
durarara!!wiki.Lacking any detail of his life before canon describes, it would not be until well past his arrival at junior high that his introduction would occur. During his third year of his lower secondary school at Raijin Middle School, by chance, he met a student two years his junior, Heiwaijima Shizuo.
One of the few people able to do so, Tom was able to avoid the first years rage directed at a group of upper classmen by doing one simple thing; keeping his cool and treating Shizuo like a normal human being. Far more willing to utilize his brain than his fists he treated the enraged Shizuo without any tone of accusation and a respectful gesture not just because of his strength, but for the fact that no one deserved to be treated rudely, no matter their quirks. Not to mention Tom knew the rule of the stomach.
"Please. You do me this favor, and supper's on me."
Establishing trust with his new found friend Tom respected Shizuo's dislike for violence throughout their youth, even to the point of exchanging advice to attempt to prevent the fights from coming; fewer people would come to you for fights if we spread the rumor beforehand about how one just 'don't mess with' you. Of course, some would still come if they're headstrong enough...anyway, guess it won't work if rumors like that make you feel uncomfortable, or you can consider dyeing your hair. Most importantly, Tom not only offered his own opinions to the other, but gained important information about Shizuo in return. Namely, what not to do if he wanted to avoid incurring his spontaneous wrath.
Full of surprises Tom continued to prove himself as a trustworthy friend. When approached by a group of seniors, aiming to bring Shizuo over their side to be utilized as a tool, Tom stood up for the situation, claiming that the younger was not a dog to order around; not on anyone's side, that he was normal and didn't deserve treatment stating otherwise. Needless to say his words didn't please his fellow classmates and months later the delinquents who had been victims of Shizuo's anger targeted Tom for their revenge. Tom claimed that it was their fault for angering the younger student, that he would have apologized if he as in the wrong, and he would not sell out the first year.
Ultimately there was a fight and while Tom succeeded in defending himself he was certainly not left unscathed. In the end, Shizuo came along anyway, perhaps too little too late, but Tom remained firm in his belief that while he personally might was not good at fighting, he was not going to drag Shizuo into something he hated. All said, with a smile despite the circumstances.
After that, his path would separate from Shizuo until much later, his life raising and falling as life often did in Ikebukuro. Luckily for him, years later, he was in the right place at the right time.
His reunion with Heiwaijima Shizuo came on a rainy night during those years when the decline of the city was in full swing and Tom, not willing to simply let history slip through his fingers, applied the simple rule of human decency towards his old friend. Through his manager he offered Shizuo a job through the debt-collection agency to assist him in his own job, collecting money and dishing out warnings for those not privy or forgetful to the dates looming. In the beginning there was hesitance in which Shizuo lacked fondness towards the idea of potentially harming people purposefully for a career and Tom knew that he would need to reassure the other into knowing his name was enough in Ikebukuro to scare those pushing the envelop to make their payment. While Tom made it clear that he would not have to fight often such an ideal was not always the case when it came to the time-bomb Shizuo could prove to be. Still, Tom eventually became his employer, utilizing him as a bodyguard against the intensity of the growing crime rate and for his own sake. Just as he said and just as it was in the past Tom used his ability as a personal barometer for Shizuo’s temper to keep himself out of the red and others as well, as long as they didn’t dig a hole for themselves.
After finding himself with a colleague, fortunately, or unfortunately for Tom, the world changed. While being wrapped up in the insanity of life in Ikebukuro had it’s surprises nothing could compare to being in the company of Heiwaijima Shizuo. From wayward gunfights, dodging sign posts, underground doctors, Russian assassins, and tasers in the hands of small children, this is his life and there’s not much about it that he wishes to alter.
Personality: Acclaimed to be one of the most well-adjusted and normal characters in the series, Tom has a calm nature to him even amongst the company he keeps regularly. Something that works out to his benefit he knows how to hold his temper unlike recent employees, who when held in comparison, Tom seemingly lacks the general dysfunction associated with said employee. As a debt collector there is roughness to his persona that he can express; business-like, yet not too polite nor friendly as he deals with confrontation on a daily account. In his line of work he holds the cards and handles the situation with a manner of wit about him, maintaining a few tricks necessary to work in the sort of business he’s involved in. Yet one of the wisest decisions he has made to utilize to his advantage is the employment of his old friend.
Heiwajima Shizuo.
One of the rare gems within the series Tom seems to avoid Shizuo’s explosive nature in the way he handles the air between himself and his common company. Clear about not wanting to be the object of the mans violent actions he is equally clear that he does not like to use people and, for utilizing Shizuo as a means to frighten wayward debtors, he remains honest in how he is not interested in making him into a tool for his own means and as such is far more Shizuo’s friend and mentor than he is his boss or controller. The latter something he holds no interest nor belief he could ever be.
A human barometer for Shizuo’s temper Tom’s personality contributes to the reason he remains in the proverbial safe zone. After knowing the man for a relatively long time Tom is wise in the art of knowing what questions to ask and when and where the limit is. Able to calm Shizuo down and will him to halt violent tendencies when he is able, Tom can escape without angering the ticking time bomb or incurring his wrath by simply showing basic human decency, a method successfully utilized to gain his trust. His laid-back nature in reply to the others strength assists this ability, something that has been developing since his youth.
In his line work Tom deals with various clients and due, to the difficulty level of the majority of them, maintains the ability to remove himself from situations in which foolish people are victims of extreme violence when it is necessary to bully them into paying their debts, or at least threaten them with the possibility of that violence. In the case of a clients own stupidity Tom often looks the other way to Shizuo’s violence even though ample warning is given in advance, not wanting the end to result in more property damage but not always being able to prevent it. By removing, or retreating from the situation, he is aware and openly giving into the more abrasive measures of Shizuo’s instincts against those not willing to ante up. Not one to particularly care to be violent himself Tom often avoids physical confrontation, preferring instead to use Shizuo’s name and reputation as a scare tactic. However, he holds little patience for stupidity and when they foolishly incur Shizuo’s wrath he cares very little for the consequences. Often though, Tom tries what he can to forestall the mans anger.
From instances in the novella, Tom seems to demonstrate a general disillusionment with people overall, commonly during his youth as evidenced through adjectives utilized in the manner of his laugh and smile. He doesn’t seem to have much faith in how people treat one another and doesn’t like how they can be so prone to generally demonstrating the nastier parts of the human character. Instead of removing himself from that type of person he instead makes it his job out of dealing with these people. His attitude doing so is blasé, indifferent, and pretty easy-going as well is his general consideration to people he thinks worth it and always lending a good ear.
Fairly straightforward, Tom can be considered upfront about his intentions and words, simply for the fact that it is easier. Even when his tone is lazy, even in regard to events that might seem serious, there is a sharp wit about him which is at times laced with a quiet sarcasm. When it calls for it Tom can be assertive in gesture and order, and always acts and thinks quickly, calm in the face of disaster, composing himself to handle various situations and analyze them to the best of his ability. He is professional and knowledgeable of the circles he is involved in and deals with while still remaining detached from the complete network of underground happenings within the city. Yet, even in the scenario of his business and the city he inhabits, there is a kindness to him, but it is not something that he offers freely and should not be expected if not deserved.
Abilities: Lacking any extraordinary abilities Tom does not possess any level out of the ordinary realm of traditional human skill. Unlike his business companion Heiwajima Shizuo he holds no characteristic strength or breaking point.
Capable of handling himself, as noted in his past during the years of his youth, Tom’s skill level can be considered slightly above average simply due to fortitude. Within the novel he is forced to partake in a schoolyard fight without assistance and though he is badly injured at the end of it all he still stands despite his injuries. Having handled the group on his own he claims the reason is due to Shizuo’s early statement, quite vividly expressed, for his dislike for violence. Tom claims that he is just not good at fighting, and noted earlier in the omake he prefers to use his brain instead of brawn, hinting at a knack for strategy and sharp thinking over the use of his fist.
Sample Entry:
example ➀.
example ➁.[He is certain that is a toaster flying out the neighboring home down the street. The way it spiraled through the air, joining the wreck of a couch that gathered next to it, a former shell of what it had once been.
Yes, he is pretty sure that is indeed a toaster, the way it glistened in the sunlight of the morning and Tom, mug of coffee in hand, bound for work, watched it with a look that simply read ah, here we go again plastered all over his features. While this place was not home, while it felt like every day the monotone nature of his current surroundings where encroaching on his every breath, he still kept his cool, remaining calm despite the situation and well--flying toasters, refrigerators or automobiles don't alter that.
Particularly flying inanimate objects above the rest. So watch Tom. Watch Tom put down his coffee mug on the top of his car. Watch Tom loosen his tie his false wife straighten too tightly and watch Tom approach the situation with a sigh.]
Oye! Shizuo!
Put down the washing machine.