Title: Rockman Drabbles Collection: 1 - Cloud-Watching
Author: scarlet_ivy
Rating: G
Fandom: Rockman EXE/ Megaman Battle Network
Pairing/s: Enzan/Netto
Theme: #192 - What can you see?
Genre/s: General
Words: 59
Summary: Well, what can you see?
Disclaimer: still don’t own anything -sob-
Note: I’m using Japanese names, so Enzan=Chaud, Netto=Lan
Rockman Drabbles Collection: 1 - Cloud-Watching
“Look Enzan! Doesn’t that one look like a Poseidon(1)?” A brown-haired boy exclaimed exuberantly.
The boy with the icy blue eyes laying down next to him on the field of grass sighed. “No,” he responded curtly, visibly annoyed at the other male disturbing the peace and quiet.
“Well, what can you see?” Netto asked curiously.
He snorted. “A cloud.”
(1) - a fish-like virus
A/N: extremely short drabble, but hope you liked it anyways!