What color is most reflective of you: ice blue
How did you get the idea for your livejournal name?: it's the common name of a bird i like.
What time were you born: 11:57 a.m. in time for lunch
What song are you playing now, or wish you were playing?: nighttrain by gnr cuz it's in my head.
Has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry?: yeah. i cried when johnny cash died. and i bawled when arthur kane died. same thing for joey ramone. i'm sick.
What color underwear are you wearing?: red
Do you want a baby organgutan?: not so much.
What does your mom do for a living: she teaches at a university
What does your dad do for a living: teaches at a university
What is your pet's name: ruby. she's all i have in this world.
What color are your bedsheets?: they have acid trip jungle animals on them in bright greens, yellows, reds, and oranges.
What are the last 3 digits of your phone number?: 841
What was the last concert you attended?: my own private show.
Who was with you?: just me
What was the last movie you saw?: napoleon dynamite
Who do you dislike most at this moment?: audrey
What food are you craving right now: croissant
Did you dream last night: yeah. it sucked.
What was the last TV show you watched: fresh prince. i heart this show.
What is your fave piece of jewelry: my bellybutton ring.
What is to the left of you: printer.
What was the last thing you ate: half a croissant
Do you have a crush?: yeps
What is his/her name?: well, one of them...i don't like sometimes, and a few others might be considered "too young" for me, but believe me--they're legal.
What shampoo do you use: i don't use shampoo. i just conditioner wash. trust me, it works very well, and keeps my hair nice. shampoo was practically destroying me.
When was the last time you cut your hair: awhile ago. i need to get another layer cut in, but on the whole, i'm growing it.
What shirt are you wearing: an incredibles shirt
What time is it: 10:10 p.m
What color is your razor: blue
What is your fave frozen treat?: cookie dough blizzard
Are you sexy?: very
Whats your favorite shopping store?: econo.