ten years ago:
3rd grade... The last year I spent in Colorado before moving to Alaska. I knew everyone in my grade. My best friend was Rachel Davis (who I still maintain looks just like Jessica Alba) I was popular and very influential. I could make everyone believe anything. :D
five years ago:
8th grade... I switched teams, so I didn't know alot of people. I was really happy though, I met alot of good people that year that are still close friends. I was quiet, and in hindsight, I was probably a little depressed
one year ago:
Senior Year... I'm glad its over. The highs were the highest I've ever experienced and the lows were the lowest I've ever experienced. It was a roller coaster.
I was at my parents house, my Dad woke me up at 11 my seeking the puppy on me, I did nothing the rest of the day, but some homework and hung out with my parents.
snacks I enjoy:
I dunno... the regular stuff... chips, crackers, or cookies I guess...
what would you do with 100 million dollars:
Build houses for my family and a few select friends... then build my mansion... :D :D :D
5 places I would run away to:
My Aunt in Anchorage
....*shifty eyes* Zeb's
5 things i would never wear:
mini skirt
tube top
a tight, slinky dress
a mumu?
5 bad habits:
Not using my meal plans (ditto!)
getting too angry at friends for small things
judging people
letting my emotions get out of control
trying to take care of people who don't want to be taken care of.. (by me)
5 biggest joys:
not sure
Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson movies?
pretty girly stuff!! ( I know.. I know..)
5 favorite toys:
I love my laptop
my cell phone
the internet is fun
I like TV too...
LOL, well its blue and sparkely...
five people to tag: