warning.. 40+ pics behind the cut
heroic dungeon: the botanica
dancing flames - part of the midsummer fire festival
heroic dungeon: the botanica
heroic dungeon: the botanica
my blood elf paladin, tuffcookie, in the ghostlands.
dead leotharas the blind, in 25 man dugeon Serpentshrine Cavern
heroic dungeon: the arcatraz
my warlock, squishyface, in a game of warsong gulch. that's me on the white talbuk!
my shadowpriest on a netherdrake.
my shadowpriest on a netherdrake.
kasey and i, kasey is farting a big stink cloud.
sleepy time in SSC
25 man dugeon Serpentshrine Cavern
25 man dugeon Serpentshrine Cavern
25 man dugeon Serpentshrine Cavern
druids on the elevator in SSC
zanax dancing with a fancy hat.
picnic time with some nekkid cows.
vroxx and i are kodo-riding buddies.
more tuffcookie
One of the bosses in 25 man raid dungeon Black Temple, named supremus.
we all died in a line - and we're all undead :O
black temple
black temple guildie shot
me on my netherdrake :3
another netherdrake shot.
fancy hat club
periwinkle is extra big.
dinosaur in an ecodome in netherstorm.
dead Teron Gorefiend in Black Temple.. after a couple wipes.
dead dragon boss in 25-man raid dungeon Mount Hyjal
on the way into 10-man dungeon Zul'Amon
at the last boss in ZA
drunk naked boxing with Kasey
throwing some brews at brewfest
dead boss RoS in Black Temple
me on my birdie in terrokar forest
me and my netherdrake in shadowmoon valley
netherdrake & me in shadowmoon again
my kodo and i in zangarmarsh, probably my favorite zone in the game. it's pretty and there's mushrooms everywhere.
chillen in the tavern with kasey
flying around in nagrand with kasey
drinking some brews out of my brewfest keg, in Black Temple
Black Temple