Quite a Ramble

Oct 09, 2004 13:53

- Bunny is telling jokes lately.  Funny ones!  She's jumping into our conversations with one liners.  It's so neato!  I'm so glad to see proof that she'll one day have a first class sense of humor.

- Mom got a job and quit a job all in one week.  She was working for a florist.  When they hired her they didn't tell her that she'd be on her feet all day long.  She's 59 with fibromyalgia and a bad back... Standing for nine hours is just NOT something she should be doing.  I have to say, though, that Mom was being a real trooper about it.

She didn't care for the people there.  They're Republicans and they like to spout stupidity all day.  Mom just kept her mouth shut.  The boss snaps at people regularly too.  Mom just figured that it was nothing personal.  After Mom's third day of work her back went out.  Also, the cash register came up $10 short and they asked her if she knew anything about it... you know, suspect the new girl.  Mom felt so upset about this.  My mom is one of the most honest people I know and has never stolen anything in her life.  Mom is so naive.  *sigh*  Guess what she did next?  She called work and told them that she bought a pack of gummy worms for her granddaughter and that maybe she gave herself the wrong change... and she'd give them $10 just in case.  *sigh*  I said, "Mom... they now think you just confessed!"  She covered her mouth and said that she was just trying to be a good sport about it.  *shakes head*

So then she was all depressed thinking they thought she was a thief... and her back was out... So I just said:  quit!  And she did.  I'm glad too.  Jobs like that are too much to bear.

- We now have a contract on the house... all we have to do now is clean the bathrooms and the kitchen.  I'll do the bathrooms.  Bear can do the kitchen.  I'll be saying goodbye to my house.  It's going to be sad.  Our first house.  Lots of memories there.  It's where we lived when my baby was born.  So much love inside those walls.  More love than usual, I'd say.  *sigh*

- They changed my hair dye!!!  It's lighter now.  Now I'm not sure what I'll do.  I use medium golden brown and it comes out almost black... now it comes out medium brown.  Medium brown is too light now.  But dark brown will be black.  That's how it works.  So will I have to mix dark and medium now?  What a pain in the ass that'll be.  Why'd they have to tamper with it?!?!?!  It was the only dye that matched my natural hair!!!

- My hair is so thin.  It's thin from PCOS.  It was much thicker when I was younger.  At this rate I will be bald one day.  To those of you who have met me and think my hair is not thin... I tricked you.  It's still at the stage where I can hide it somewhat.  Give me a year or two and I don't know... I would make a very very unattractive bald woman.  I'd look like an overgrown Schmoo.  *sigh*

- Remember the Schmoo?!  Or was it Shmoo?

- Remember the Geep?  OMG, see, this is why I love Bear.  The other night we were watching some political analyst spout BS and Bear said, "He looks like the geep."  And I laughed and laughed because he DID.  Bear is the only person I know who regularly makes references to the Geep, The Great Gazoo, Captain Caveman, etc.

- Tonight Bunny refused to pick up her toys.  It was amazing.  She said:  NO!!!  We forced her to do it though.  Bear got a garbage bag and sat on the floor and told her if she didn't clean up her toys he was going to throw them away.  So she cleaned them up... crying and screaming the whole time.


I told her:  Some mommies make their kids clean up all their toys daily... I make her do it weekly!  Not so bad if you ask me.

- Bunny has recently become upset that "meat is a dead animal".  I'm upset about it too.  I'm keeping my 12 year stint as a strict vegetarian from her for now.  I don't want her to be a vegetarian.  I think it's terrible for people who are insulin resistant.  I am just telling her that we're animals and animals eat other animals... and it's sad, but it's better for us than eating extra carbohydrates.

By the way, I think I see evidence that Bunny's slightly insulin resistant.  She gains weight easily but doesn't lose it easily... though it's nothing near as bad as when I was a child.  Also, if she eats a carbohydrate first thing in the morning, she's hungrier for the rest of the day.  It's little things like this that worry me.  I mean, most of my family and part of Bear's has the gene... I don't think it's all that crazy of me to be on the lookout for signs.  I want to protect her.  *sigh*

- Lately chicken has smelled rancid to me.  I'll cook a nice fresh skinless breast of chicken and slice it and it lets out a fume that smells like a corpse fart.  D:  Bear calls this my "smell perversion".  I don't know what's going on there.  Chicken is the only meat I can tolerate regularly though... don't know what I'll do now.  I need more protein in my life.

- We're almost done making my CD.  I'll soon be taking orders for either the CD (can only be played on a CD player) or the mp3CD (which can be played on an mp3 player or on your computer and contains LOTS more songs... I recommend this one).

- The whole I vs. me thing is getting me down more and more.  Why won't you all learn that rule for me?  WHY?!  I know how insane it is that I'm focused on that... but EVERYONE messes it up.  I really believe it's being taught wrong in the schools now.  Newscasters mess it up.  People on TV shows mess it up.  People I talk to out in the world mess it up.  YOU mess it up.  Yes, you do.  STOP  IT.

I'm sure it's one reason I married Bear.  His language skills are shocking.  He should be a speech writer.  We're all dumb in some ways though... he can't match his clothes and forgets the difference between his calf and his thigh.  Really.  He "forgets" which is which.  Isn't that odd?!

(FYI:  Incorrect:  Mom went shopping with Bunny and I.
Correct:  Mom went shopping with Bunny and me.)

Now you all hate me and are thinking of all my misspellings and foibles.  *sigh*

- Bear tried to seduce me tonight but then became really tired and went to bed.  I'm not sure if that counts as rejection or not... since I wasn't the one doing the seducing.

- My cat Pearlie, who is allergic to cats, has a completely bald ass.  It's cute in a way, disgusting in another.  It certainly highlights her pointy cat anus...  and that's never a good thing to be too aware of.

- I'm sad that The Cure are done here in the U.S.  I miss 'em.  When I see them now, I see them differently.  I know them now.  I know that sounds silly, but I sorta do, ya know?  Talking to Simon was just too neato.

I forget:  Did I tell you that someone from one of my Cure msg. boards received a phonecall from Simon?  On her cell?  From his cell?  Yeah.  She emailed him about something that Mtv did to Cure fans that was really shitty.  Simon called her to tell her he was sorry and that he and The Cure had nothing to do with it... and he said he hates Mtv.

I thought it was nice that he cared enough to call her.  She's just some fan... ya know?

Thing is, it got me thinking:  I have emailed The Cure off and on.  Not much.  Maybe three times.  Really!  I know you imagine me emailing them daily, but I don't.  Once I emailed them with some URLs of websites that were calling them gay.  I pretty much just said something like, "Wow... have you guys seen this?  Quite an imagination these guys have, hunh?"  Or something like that.  The following week or so I heard that the people who ran these sites were asked by Roger (the keyboardist, whom I don't care for) to please remove references to them being gay since they are most certainly not gay.  Now, see... I know Robert doesn't care who thinks he's gay.  Ditto Simon.  Roger's such a trouble maker.  Ugh.  Anyway... I have to wonder if I tipped Roger off.  I guess this means they check their email!  Weird.

- shnooze, I need your recipe for pumpkin fudge.  It sounds both disgusting and delightful.  So many of the best things in life are.

- We orderd pizza tonight to eat while we watched the debates.  I ordered green peppers on one of them and instead of green peppers I got marinated red peppers.  Ew.  I didn't want that!  Why did they think that was ok?!  *spits*

- Bush is such an asshole... such a moron... I can't believe that anyone on this planet is going to vote for him.  I hate Republicans.  I hate them.  Hate hate hate.  Authority worshiping simpletons!  If you are one, leave here, block me, go far away, never darken my diary again.  Seriously.

- For the first time in my life I have some eczema on my face.  Over my right eye, to be precise.  It really bothers me.  Up until now it's stayed on my limbs.

- My IUD bothers me.  I won't go into just how.

- Recommend a really engrossing book to me, please.

- For Christmas I have asked for three things:

- professional tooth whitening
          - an attractive tea set, preferably Victorian in nature, only with largish (12 oz. or more) teacups   (Where can I find such a thing?!)
          - a large gift certificate to Improvements catalog - OMG, this catalog makes me so fizzy

I have also made it clearn that I will be happy with anything made of wrought iron.  I love me some wrought iron.  Banks, door stops, wall art, candle holders, etc.  Sooo sinister.

... A Question...

What do YOU do to combat seasonal allergies, and how's that wurkin' for ya?  Should I look into it?  I'm a sneezing, puffy, oozing mess anymore.

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