"Kindhearted malice" was Hausmann's phrase. Cynical and traumatized, the Dadaists were tireless young optimists at heart. Despairing of the war and the effects of technology, they nevertheless discovered a world full of wonders in machines and the modern cityscape.
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Jun 05, 2006 20:04
interview 1 - went well, sent a writing sample this afternoon, noticed the TYPO in my email tonight - must have been in too much of hurry to met ? blah. will i get a call back for a 2nd interview? who knows!! in over my head if i do....can't i sell my services for something? (just kidding, really) grumble. i need a drink.
May 27, 2006 11:21
i have now ridden 1000 miles since the end of january. now THAT kicks a whole hella lotta ass considering i have been a lazy butt because of the may rains and have driven quite a bit lately.
May 27, 2006 11:16
anyone know of the location of amusement parks with old skol merry go rounds or carousels? in the new england area? i am on a mission to visit as many as i can this summer for research etc
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May 25, 2006 12:42
yes, sun. a perfect day for biking around the city. weeeeee.
May 22, 2006 17:43
i have had a date with my resume all day and it is so damn sunny out i think i need to stop, get my butt home and have a nice frostie drink on my roof deck while watching the sun go down.
Apr 16, 2006 18:10
Plate baseball was had by my girls and myself last evening in the SMFA photo shoot room. Pulled out the shards from the wall and patched the many, many holes the pieces made. Video was taken (with bad lighting) but it lead to a very good and fun night with a 5 am bed time. : )