01. Last Kiss: few hours ago ♥
02. Last Fuck: n/a
03. Last Cry: yesterday whilst listening to fata
04. Last Library Book Checked Out: pffft who knows
05. Last Movie Seen In a Theatre: robots
06. Last Book Read: alice's adventures in wonderland and peter pan
07. Last Cuss Word Utttered: my best bet is bitch
08. Last Beverage Drank: water
09. Last Food Consumed: panda express
11. Last TV Show Watched: the simpsons
12. Last Time Showered: yesterday
13. Last Shoes Worn: flip flops
14. Last CD Played: hawthorne heights ♥
15. Last Soda Drank: the tiniest sip of coke
16. Last Thing Written: notes for psych class
17. Last Words Spoken: i dunno...
18. Last Sleep: last night
21. Last Ice Cream Eaten: mint chocolate chip
24. Last Time Dancing: last night in my room... haha i'm a dork
26. Last Big Car Ride: blah...
27. Last Crush: kevin ♥
28. Last Annoyance: bryan
29. Last Disappointment: no good food to eat in the house... too bad kevin's dog ate my left over panda express...
30. Last Time Scolded: 10 minutes or so by my mom
32. Last Web Site Visited: myspace... so ashamed
01. piercings = three... soon to be four or five
02. tattoos = two... so far
03. height = 5'4"
04. shoe size = six... so little
05. hair color = originally; dark brown. now; black
06. siblings = audrey
01. movie you rented = peter pan 2003!!
02. movie you bought = animal house
03. song you listened to = hawthorne heights//ohio is for lovers
04. song that was stuck in your head: saosin//seven years
05. cd you bought: hawthorne heights, as i lay dying, nora
06. person you've called: kevin
07. person that's called you: vinita
09. person you were thinking of: kevin
10. friend you made: actually, kevin
01. Would you do if you were dying? = this sentence sucks. a hah! that's what i'd do! correct your grammar!!!! bwahahahaha!!!!
[number 2 is where?]
03. Current want: food, time with kevin
04. Current happiness: kevin
05. Current Sadness: that logan won't talk to me anymore
06. Current outfit: nin t-shirt [22 DAYS!!!] and jeans
07. Current hunger: FOOOOD
01. you have a crush on some one? why, yes indeed
02. you wish you could live somewhere else? indeed; ireland
03. you think about suicide? never
04. you believe in online dating? whatever works for you
05. others find you attractive? i guess so? i think i'm attractive and that all i care about
06. you want more piercings? definitely
07. you masterbate? of course
08. you watch porn? what lindsay said
09. you take it in the butt? hahahahaha i had to laugh
10. you like cleaning? occasionally
11. you like roller coasters? indeed
12. you write in cursive or print? both, but mostly cursive [good band by the way]
13. Are you sexualy active? nope
That was actually fun! I hadn't done one of those in forever! "Take forever!" Anyhoos, yes, tis sad that my once best friend won't talk to me... it's understandable because I took the break-up very hard, but it's also understandable that I took it so hard! But whatever, I don't care anymore, I just want one of my friends back.
Hung out with Kevin today, but that's all I shall say of that. Nothing happened, though, if you're wondering...
I'm starting to grow impatient with my Art class since I have to wait through that then another hour before I see Kevin!! Argh, but I shall manage...