Okay, I wasn't prepared for this.
I had it in my head, I would find out what the job was all about, what they expected me to do, what it paid, etc.
So I'm sitting with the guy, not sure what/who he is, a director I guess, and it is his family's funeral home, but he right away asked me what I was looking for. I told him, honestly, that I would like to do a little bit of everything: removals, funerals, hosting, whatever type of assisting I could do. He moreso talked about what he expected from his employees, upright professionalism, when I vacuum I have to make sure the lines are noticeable and obvious that I did vacuum, bathrooms must be completely spotless and clean because that's usually the first place ppl go when they scope out the funeral home, etc. Then he talked about how I'm working, and being a professional I'm not looking for dates, so no low cut shirts and no high skirts and when I'm in a skirt be careful with how I bend down...it kind of made me uncomfortable. I made it a point to mention that I am, in fact, married, and I do not go to work to find a date. It kind of offended me, and made me insecure. I mean I was dressed very conservatively: I wasn't wearing a suit but I was wearing a black turtleneck sweater with a matching black cardigan and dark gray slacks and high heels. He looked at my shoes: You don't wear high heels when you do removals, do you? Um, no I don't do removals and when I did (in the hospital) I was in tennis shoes. He said when working we must wear suit jackets all the time (mostly at funerals and doing removals) but when having a visitation he said a skirt or dress is okay, and my feeling insecure with what he was saying, I made it a point to let him know none of the dresses I own even go above my knee--which is totally true (some go down past my knee to my calves.) It kind of made me wonder if at first he though (like everyone else does) that I was 18 or 19?? Somewhere down the line I mentioned I had kids, and it was like I felt like including: by the same man that I'm married to, BOTH of them, because yes, believe it or not I have been asked that before (it's some type of stereotype that since I had my kids young so either 1. not by the same father or 2. I'm not with the same father.) Anyhow, he was very adamant about the dress code.
About the pay...not very good IMO, especially compared to wear I'm at now. Only $7.50/hr and if I do a funeral it's flat $50 and I don't think he said how much the removals are, but Bill told me it was only $35. It is WAYYYY lower than what Barranco's offers.
So, sitting there, I'm trying to soak this all in and I suddenly see the paper in his hand that he hands to me, asking me to write my name and include my phone number. I never filled out a formal application and most places like you to, even though you submitted a resume. I was surprised to see the paper was a tax form...the kind you fill out when you start a job. Okay, shock gets me at this point, does this mean I'm hired? I'm filling out the paper, thinking, how awkward this is, I want to say "I don't know if I want this yet" but I can't find the words to say them, because I want to think about this.
[Edited to add: so anyhow, he asks me what my schedule is like, and I'm thinking My God, I need to think of a way to get out of this...but I can't think. I just go along with everything:
He said I will be working the other FH they have on Sundays 9-5. I had a choice to work every Sunday, every other Sunday, or just be called in as needed on Sundays. I decided to go with the called in as needed, that way I wasn't really committed to anything. Then he started talking about removals, how to act, what to wear (preferably slacks, no heels *duh*) and my mind kind of wandered a bit but he said something about light colors for this and dark colors for that but if we have both going on then wear dark colors because I might need you at that and that way you are dressed appropriately...
The only thing I was excited about was that I would actually be allowed to do removals. He also if I had a viewing, before anyone arrived, go into the room, and basically scope out the room and the deceased...see if anything needs to be fixed, adjusted, etc. Check the body, is it leaking? Does it need to be touched up? etc. He said sometimes I might be asked to add or remove something (like a piece of jewelry.)
So I'm SO torn. I'll be able to do the stuff I've been wanting to do at Barranco's...but the pay and hours suck. Should I stick it through, continuing my pursuit for a full-time job, just to get the experience anyways? Should I quit the college to make myself available for this position? I did tell him that I would be available every other week during the day, and also at night to work around Rob's schedule, so I'll still be in a position that I won't have to worry about child care.
So I get home with a sick feeling in my stomach. I tell Rob and he is livid. I already feel bad and I know I can always trust Rob to make me feel better *sarcasm* I feel like I fucked up and I am mad at myself for not being able to be more outspoken. Then I have him yelling at me on top of it. Wonderful.
So, I think tomorrow I will call, let him know that I had time to think about it and as much as I would love the experience they can offer me, I'm just slighted by the hours. I mean, I don't want to be insulting, but at the same time, I need something really stable and steady, and I don't think I can handle a week or two of them not calling me in because nothing is going on. Even if it is temporarily. I would feel bad only working a month and then quitting because I am still looking for a full time position somewhere. I just hope I don't choke on my words and fuck it up.
I hate job hunting.