yes, it is i. c'est moi. those are my boobs. aren't they great? i have been known to grab them through my sweater and lovingly caress them and say i love my boobs. it's true. it used to freak out people i worked with. but enough about that. here is some other stuff
lately, i've been doing all this talking and thinking about the whole daddy/lolita/schoolgirl fantasy thing. and i'm still totally in lust with all of that. but when i was writing that last little tale about the schoolgirl i had this thought (remember i zinged it) anyway, i thought man, wouldn't it be cool to kind of have an aggressive femme schoolgirl who takes her wet panties and rubs them on her wet, swollen pussy then she runs them under the teacher's nose and stuffs them in his mouth. like what would happen? see i don't know. i have no clue. genuinely. i have never been in that "top" position with any guy so i have no experience there. i've been at the "top" but it was in the form of teasing them to the point of begging and then giving over just what i wanted them to have. so there are several forms of being on top or control i think. so i really don't know. what would a guy do if that happened to him. i'm curious.