The Seventh Doctor is breaking my brain

May 08, 2009 11:05

Being a linear thinker in Doctor Who is akin to donning a raw sirloin bikini and jumping into piranha infested waters. It's madness! I've been mapping out my Seventh Doctor strategy (how adorable was Sylvester McCoy in the "Bringing Back the Doctor" Confidential?) and there are so many forks in the road. Do you watch the serials and then do the audios? How do the New Adventures fit in? Do you follow a strictly linear timeline - plotted out on the Doctor Who Reference Guide - slipping in books, audios, short stories where the fit?


Too. Much. Source.

Since The Seventh Doctor is still going strong on Big Finish my thought is to do the Mel bits in a linear sort of way - Watch the eps, read the stories and listen to the Mel audios in a chronological timeline. Once we get the Ace parts, separate them out, watch the eps THEN listen to the audios THEN read the New Adventures. My only thought is that the New Adventures are "closed" canon and take place after the Audios (I think...) so, by that time, I should be able to think of it as a time far in the future or an alternate timeline. Plus this will segue nicely into the Benny line.

Hello rabbit hole.

Does anyone have any advice for taking on new canon?

doctor who, seventh doctor

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