I adored the books back in the day so I didn't consider not watching. It's very much a teen vampire show, but the actors were good, as was the soundtrack and they seem to be taking time to lay down the mythology, so I'm going to give it a chance.
I do not know yet. I'm saving it for the weekend, as I made the mistake of watching the first season of NCIS a few weeks ago and now am vainly attempting to catch up before the new season starts.
The books were good. Very vampire teen romance, but good.
I didn't expect much, so I wasn't disappointed. I hate the lead vampire, but that's not unusual, because I hate dark broody I-don't-wan't-to-be-a-vampire vamps except for Angel because he had a puckish side. This guy, who spends a lot of time with his mouth dangling annoyingly open, doesn't have an amusing bone in his body ergo I don't find him even remotely worthwhile.
However, I liked several of the side characters and Ian Somerhalder makes a great bad guy.
I'm going to keep giving it a chance, but I'm not sold on it.
I have to admit that I loved it BECAUSE of Ian. His Damon reminds me a *lot* of Angelus, who was one of my favorite characters in the Buffyverse.
I think the second episode was much improved over the first, although I really hate the "diary" voice overs which, unfortunately, I think we're stuck with.
Meh. It was just... okay. I don't particularly care for the "let me show you my oh-so-emo-EMO" leads, but I'm not 16 anymore. Some of the supporting cast were good, and I like emo-boy's brother. He's a very pretty bad boy.
So, maybe? I'm tempted to give it a couple more episodes, and go from there.
HOWEVER: what little I've seen of Dawson's Creek, I thought was cracktastic (and I'm of the 90210 and Melrose Place generation)--so I may have more patience for the soapiness.
I'm looking for a little crack. There is a dearth of crack in my life!
I'm willing to forgive a little cheese (and Ian Somerhalder certainly helps a bit)as long as its on the level the Brenda/Dylan/Kelly love triangle fromage as opposed to Peach Pit After Dark fromage. ;)
I watched it- it seemed like it was trying to hit every single typical teen angst emo button possible. There were a few intriguing bits and the pretty factor is rather high, but overall it's not something to be watched for the plot.
Comments 35
Hmm..might have to check out the books.
The books were good. Very vampire teen romance, but good.
However, I liked several of the side characters and Ian Somerhalder makes a great bad guy.
I'm going to keep giving it a chance, but I'm not sold on it.
I think the second episode was much improved over the first, although I really hate the "diary" voice overs which, unfortunately, I think we're stuck with.
So, maybe? I'm tempted to give it a couple more episodes, and go from there.
HOWEVER: what little I've seen of Dawson's Creek, I thought was cracktastic (and I'm of the 90210 and Melrose Place generation)--so I may have more patience for the soapiness.
Still, it's no Angel.
I'm willing to forgive a little cheese (and Ian Somerhalder certainly helps a bit)as long as its on the level the Brenda/Dylan/Kelly love triangle fromage as opposed to Peach Pit After Dark fromage. ;)
But nothing is as awesome as Emo Angel. and Dark Wesley.
Watched the first ep. of Glee instead. Liked it lots.
I watched it- it seemed like it was trying to hit every single typical teen angst emo button possible. There were a few intriguing bits and the pretty factor is rather high, but overall it's not something to be watched for the plot.
I am susceptible to teh pretty. ;)
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