Title: Friends in Cold Places
scarletwas Word count: 100
Rating: G
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson
Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me.
Summary: The real reason why Sherlock keeps a severed head in their freezer.
A/N: My first drabble (and fanfic!) in over ten months. Comments are my lifeblood. :)
“This stays here any longer and he’ll have to pay rent.” John scratched his forehead, wishing he could stop staring at the severed head inside their freezer. “Mind telling me who your little friend is?”
“Right. I’ll be at Sarah’s-“John was about to leave when Sherlock put on his gloves.
“What - are you picking that up?”
“I have a case.”
“Where’s your skull then?”
“Lestrade confiscated it.” Sherlock sniffed. “Now if you’ll excuse me-“
John clucked his tongue. “Put the bloody thing down. I’ll go with you.”
When John left the room, Sherlock smiled and patted Tim’s head.
Comments are ♥ :)