YES to True Blood, and Dead Like Me has always been a fave :D
Hey girl! How ya been?!? I've been totally el-jay AWOL lately, but I was feeling nostalgic for my Jolie days, made a vid, and wondered what you'd been up to.
Oh, and if you love shows the likes of True Blood and Buffy, you MUST check out Being Human on BBC America. COMPLETELY FABULOUS. Check the icon *sigh* So pretty.
I've been really good! Working and hanging out with friends mostly. I keep getting nostalgic for my Jolie days too! I miss them and the friends they made me SO MUCH.
Comments 2
Hey girl! How ya been?!? I've been totally el-jay AWOL lately, but I was feeling nostalgic for my Jolie days, made a vid, and wondered what you'd been up to.
Oh, and if you love shows the likes of True Blood and Buffy, you MUST check out Being Human on BBC America. COMPLETELY FABULOUS. Check the icon *sigh* So pretty.
Hope you've been well!
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