*headdesk* TAKE THREE.

Jul 17, 2008 21:08

Peter said:


Peter Tatchell UK homosexual activist says "Homosexuality: it isn’t natural" http://www.spiked-online.com/index.php?/site/printable/5375/

The first link - Quoting the TOTALLY discredited Kinsey. And then 5 references that come NOWHERE near the BOTTOM end (no pun intended) of the so - 50% you quoted and ONE that just tips over into that range. BUT, look how many say "AT LEAST ONCE" - how many tried it but said NO THANK YOU.
Also remember that many people will not answer surveys on sexual activity - why? because it is nobody else's business. UNLESS of course they are trying to make society accept something that is unnatural.

The second link - still only 35% "have ever had" - that is like saying at least once. Always used to 'exaggerate' the statistics - why do they not state how many regularly
NOTE that only 3.7% of men had EVER had homosexual anal sex!!!! Only on 2.9 percent of men had a male sexual partner in the last 12 months. So much for the Kinsey lies and statistics!!!

As for the third link - Clearly a promotional site for anal sex so one must treat it as BIASED - BUT, it still does not come up to the states you quoted in your first comment. NOW you know why I did not trust it.
Did you note on one of its web pages it states, "There are some serious safety issues regarding anal sex that you need to be aware of at all times"
WHY? Because it is NOT natural!!! End of story

Q. "evidence of gay men hopping around to porn directors and asking them to promote it".
We know homosexuals are very prevalent in the porn industry including the production of it. The President of the porn lobby in Australia is (maybe now was) a homosexual
The fact that my publicly stated comments were NEVER challenged should give some indication that it was true.

Q. How do you feel about infertile couples who regularly have sex?
There is no problem there because they do it NATURALLY - it is meant for the fulfilment of true LOVE (not selfish lust) as well as procreation. Remember, intercourse and procreation can ONLY be done NATURALLY by a male and female.
Besides, many are infertile because of long term contraception and infertile today does not always mean infertile tomorrow - I know people who have been diagnosed as infertile and who have then naturally conceived children.

We do speak against pornography, male/female promiscuity etc not just homosexual and lesbian sex - they all take sex our of the proper place - between a married man and women.


Peter Stokes

I said:

"I don't disagree that genes (and hormonal exposure in the womb) influence sexual orientation. The scientific evidence for these biological influences is presented in the book Born Gay (2005), written by Glenn Wilson of the Institute of Psychiatry in London and Qazi Rahman, a lecturer in psychobiology at the University of East London.

But contrary to what the authors seem to suggest, an influence is not the same as a cause. Genes and hormones may predispose a person to one sexuality rather than another. But that's all. Predisposition and determination are two different things. "
Um... see I agree with that. I agree its a mixture of what you're born with and what you see. However, it occurs in nature (Oh yeah, check out the earthworm. Hermaphroditic. Better start getting rid of those too) and people have homosexual feelings. I just had a thought, shouldn't you be more on a tirade against murder? There is no other species currently existing (I can't speak for prehistoric animals) that contemplates murdering another of its kind (except for cannibalism and by accidental causes). Humans have a mind so complex and so fragile that it can contemplate destroying the life of another for it's own purpose. Now personally, I'd call this more man made than un-natural, since we are the only species that can do it. Homosexuality on the other hand...

Kinsey... discredited? What the hell are you talking about? Kinsey's works are still used today by sex researchers and therapists (Legally accredited ones, not the two bit "Teh ghey is bad!!!!1 folow jebus lol" ones). They see his scale as a valid reference. Sure, it might not be overly broad (Think of it as BMI vs BVI: BMI is slightly flawed as it cannot take everything into account), however it is a very valid reference of the fluidity of human sexuality.

You... still aren't listening. I already said anal sex can be damaging physically if not done correctly and performed safely. The same goes for oral sex and vaginal sex: Many risks can occur if you don't get educated (properly) on it. I studied anatomy in my final high school years, and one major topic was on sexual reproduction. We were taught about the physical risks of taking in such activities. Also there's this very cool show, Anatomy for Beginners which is run by the controversial anatomist Gunther Von Hagens. If anything made me more aware about sex, it was his episode on sexual reproduction. It might not be to your liking, but it was very informative and taught me a lot more about the human body than any class did. Back on topic, no matter how much you kick and scream over how "icky" anal sex is, many people will do it. Gay or straight, married or casual. It will happen no matter what, so your bitching is just as useful as pissing in a salty ocean. Also, don't think so one dimensionally with gay men: Not all prefer to take part in anal sex. I know a gay couple who have been together for three years and refuse to have anal sex because they believe it to be unnecessary to them and a tad too risky. However their choices, they don't look down at people who do it because it's... none of their business. Did I step too far on that one?

So how did you feel when Sex and the City came out in cinemas? I mean if anything, that promotes casual sex... but, your website clearly doesn't have an article on why Sarah Jessica Parker is a bad influence on the kids. And how do you feel about shows like CSI, Canal Road, Law and Order: SVU or even Two and a Half Men, a show in which the protagonist Charlie Sheen is constantly having casual sex whilst housing his brother and nephew, and it's on at 7:00 PM on Channel 9? I mean, if anything, that show should be making you a lot more mad than The L Word if you're worried about casual sex being flaunted on TV?

"We know homosexuals are very prevalent in the porn industry including the production of it. The President of the porn lobby in Australia is (maybe now was) a homosexual
The fact that my publicly stated comments were NEVER challenged should give some indication that it was true."

And yet, you show no evidence of rampant homosexuality in pornography. So by your logic, I must be right about it.

You know what, I'm going to just say what I'm hearing from you. You've been hypocritical in your arguments thus far, your website does not seek to refute all sin and spread a message of mercy (The general tone seems to be "Fear Injection"). In fact, it's got nothing to do with what's right for kids. You wanna know what's better for kids? Encouraging parents to go take them to the park on a nice day, being a supportive figure to them when life hits them hard, being forgiving yet firm and overall, being a family. Kids grow up sir, and blanketing them from the real world will only harm them later.

The tone I hear from you and your website only indicates a hatred of homosexuality. Now I will be brutally honest with you- I was born and raised in a tight Christian environment. I wasn't abused in any form, I wasn't influenced and I wasn't pushed to be a lesbian. It was something I had known for a long time, and I did try it out with a guy. It worked for a while, but I could not completely convince myself that men were for me. Towards the end of our relationship, I loved women on the same level he did. Of course, we parted on our own terms- I was practically lesbian and it was also a long distance relationship so it died out a little for us. Now Peter, you are in no place to say that such things are a choice and I honestly get very angry when you toss around the idea of such things being a choice. Atheism? Definitely a choice by me, since I read the bible for myself and found it to be a rather horrendous book with a murderous blood God. But homosexuality was no choice. I didn't choose to get ditched by friends and family. I didn't choose to get picked on at high school by homophobic people. If it was a choice, I'd probably choose to be straight.

But I can't. So you know what? Fuck your "family values", fuck your "stances on morality" and most of all, fuck you and your little SS club.

Kind wishes,

P.S: Random capitalisation of entire words and overuse of the exclamation mark only makes you sound like a twelve year old.

This fundie gon' git it.
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