Reading Naruto Chap. 567:
(warning: crude language and spoilers)
Reading Chap. 567 - it's nice to see Suigetsu and Juugo again!
But I can't help it - I keep seeing Jay and Silent Bob in this convo.
The dialog from the manga:
(note: the translations are mine, they may differ from what you've seen in the scanlaltions.)
Juugo: I wonder if Sasuke and Karin are safe?
Suigetsu: Might not be worth your while to worry about them.
Juugo: Why's that?
Suigetsu: If Karin and Sasuke were alive and together, do you think there would be a heartfelt reunion if we find them?
Juugo: ...?
Suigetsu: Get this, okay? Karin wants to get lovey-dovey with Sasuke... so that means we'll just be in her way.
Juugo: I see ... Then what should we do? Keep on collecting swords?
Suigetsu: Of course we're going to mess with them! That's my second favorite hobby after collecting swords. First stop, we'll checkout Orochimaru's Lair!
Now imagine Suigetsu as Jay and Juugo as Silent Bob...
Silent Bob!Juugo: I wonder if Sasuke and Karin are safe?
Jay!Suigetsu: Dude, are you shittin' me?
SB!Juugo: [looks at J!S quizzically] ?
J!Suigetsu: If Karin and Sasuke were alive and together and we find them, you think they're gonna be fuckin' ecstatic to see us? Are you expecting some melodramatic reunion? Like Karin's gonna piss in her pants just 'cuz we find them?
SB!Juugo: ...?
J!Suigetsu: Fuck... Man, get this, okay? Skanky ho' Karin wants to get her freak on with stupid Sasuke... so that means we'll just be in her fuckin' way.
SB! Juugo: [nods. glances over at J!S]
J!Suigetsu: Of course we're gonna fuck with them! Bitch, that's like, my second favorite hobby after collecting swords. First stop, we're gonna go checkout some blunts Orochimaru's Lair!
Transcription from the spoiler threads:
ジュウゴ サスケとカリンは無事だろうか?
水月 そんな心配するだけ損かもよ…
ジュウゴ なんでだ?
水月 カリンとサスケが生きて二人でいるとして ボクたちが二人を見つけて感動の再会ってなると思う?
ジュウゴ …?
水月 いいかい カリンはサスケといちゃつきあいたい …ならボク達は二人の邪魔者ってこった
ジュウゴ … そうか…ならどうする?刀集めを続けるか?
水月 もちろん二人の邪魔をする …それが刀集めの次にボクの楽しみだしね まずはオロチ丸のアジトまわるか!
Yup, it's gonna be another one of those days...