I need a muse. I need a source of inspiration; something/someone to help me get my fat ass into gear and finish up the projects that I want to work on but can't seem to get motivated to do.
On a brighter note, I finally finished doing the beta on chapter 13 of YGGTTCB
www.fanfiction.net/s/4376139/1/. Yay! Beta work is fun but difficult. I feel so inadequate, and I hope I'm helping and not hindering the writer. I've even started reading up on grammar again, hoping to become a better beta. I think my plan backfired. I'm now even more intimidated than ever of critiquing someone else's writings. How does
moderndayportia , Ms. GrammarNazi and editor extraordinaire, do this? I totally respect her skills.
Seriously, I need a muse before the lassitude and ennui kills off any creativity still left in me. It must be the summer heat.