OK, combined because I'm tired.
Title: Save Me Again, Please
scarysnapey Summary: Harry lost someone very special to him, but Severus would never let death stop him from protecting those he loves.
Warnings: Surreal.
There is a bridge that Harry Potter rather likes. It looks out over the water, and everything sparkles under the stars.
He sits on the edge with his legs hanging over, dangling in the half hearted existence in between. He’s as lost as he can manage to be, but he hasn’t cared in decades.
The wind sounds and winds around him like a familiar voice, so long ago failing with exhaustion. Harry ignores it; it’s all illusion and has been for forever now.
But as he watches, the stars knit themselves apart and divide the sky into light and dark. The darkness falls to the ground, a gentle swirl of fabric, and when Harry blinks the sky has returned to normal, with it’s sprinkling of stars.
There is something new to this now, because the gentle swirl of fabric is the covering of a cloak, and two gently missing stars blaze as twinkling eyes. It is dream like, enchanting, but the familiar man who absolutely cannot be extends his hand and pulls Harry up, away from the tempting swell of the water.
“You’re dead,” Harry croaks, and the man made of star and shadow nods.
“Yes,” he replies, in a voice that is one of a kind. “But that doesn’t mean that I would ever not be there for you.”
Harry’s voice quivers. “So you’re not real.”
Starry eyes twinkle in a smile. “I never said that, either.”
Title: The Fearless Ferret
scarysnapey Summary: Ferrets. It runs in the family.
Warnings: Clichés stolen shamelessly from various Superhero movies/comics.
“Sir,” squeaked Scorpius’s House Elf Alfie. “I believe that someone has sent in a distress call.”
Scorpius tossed his newspaper to the side and rushed from his chair, striking a characteristically dramatic pose. Alfie took a hesitant step back. “To the Ferret Flat, then, Alfie!”
The two cast over-sized shadows on the walls as they rushed through the corridors to the Ferret Flat. He donned the Fearless Ferret costume as was his routine, before striking another dramatic pose. Scorpius had inherited the costume from his father when he had turned seventeen. It was time for the youngest Malfoy to take on the role of the Fearless Ferret, defender of the weak, savior of the clumsy.
And he looked pretty darn sexy in spandex, if he did say so himself.
Scorpius launched himself into the Ferret Buggy and tore away from the Manor at top speed.
“Come in, Alfie,” he called gruffly into the intercom. Alfie’s face wavered and then appeared.
“Yes, sir. It appears-”
“Alfie!” interrupted Scorpius. “Do not call me ‘sir’ while I am in costume. You may give away my secret identity.” Alfie blinked.
“Of course, Your Fearlessness. It appears that we have a case of a HID.”
“Do elaborate, Alfie,” said Scorpius as he skidded around a particularly tight turn.
“A Hobbledehoy In Distress, si-”
Scorpius shut of the intercom and stepped on the gas. He kept his eyes out for any sign of a ‘HID’, but he didn’t have to look for long. In the middle of the road stood a clearly awkward and ungainly youth with messy black hair and huge green eyes. Scorpius pulled him into the buggy so that he could take him somewhere safe.
Then he realized that it was his boyfriend Al, so he took him home instead.