I have a 512 megabyte one I found in a lab the other day - it is astonishingly flimsy and tiny. It was full of Chinese stuff (pictures, downloaded web pages), with absolutely no identifying information or documents which looked as if they might contain clues. I use mine like a floppy - use it to move stuff, don't use it for even semi-permanent storage of anything valuable.
I think the first one I bought was sixty quid for 128 Mb. £5.52 inc. VAT from MicroDirect now.
I have a database of such things, but even armed with that I've been unable to identify some of the owners.
In one case there was even a CV - none of the contact details worked, the person had been a member of another college and they told me they had no forwarding details for her.
Colleges b'ain't what they used to be in my day. When it were all trees 'round yur. The College Secretary ought to have bothered to look up where she came from originally, dash it.
Shamefully, as it was a present and a well-received one at the time, I'm not sure I've ever actually used it for anything productive, despite a number of things it could be immensely useful for (still within the house). I shall hoick it down and have a play. :D
Comments 7
...because of course you don't look at the contents because of the privacy laws
I think the first one I bought was sixty quid for 128 Mb. £5.52 inc. VAT from MicroDirect now.
In one case there was even a CV - none of the contact details worked, the person had been a member of another college and they told me they had no forwarding details for her.
Shamefully, as it was a present and a well-received one at the time, I'm not sure I've ever actually used it for anything productive, despite a number of things it could be immensely useful for (still within the house). I shall hoick it down and have a play. :D
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