For the
October 69 Exchange Meme.
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
Costume: Kirk as
Ringmaster ala long coat, vest, tie, shiny boots, hat--yesh. (the pics need not be the exact costume), Bones as the hobo clown--yanno the one with the raggedy, too big clothes, the old had and the constant expression of unhappiness (although usually sad not glaring at everyone and everything). should clowns scare you substituting clown with something else not involving spandex.
Rating: as high as you wish, more porn=better
Title: Pinned
scatter_muse Rating: R - (highlight to see) bloodplay(?), implies molesting XD
Pairing: Bones/Kirk
Summary: Someone caught footage of McCoy molesting Kirk in the backroom at the circus themed Enterprise Halloween Party.
A/N: Sorry, not the exact costume for Kirk (no hat, It got knocked off!) and Bones isn't a clown because clowns scare me (*hides*). Hopefully you still like it though. Playing around with scribbly/sketchy style.