Title: Would You?
Author: Luna (
dreamweavernyx )
Pairing: Inoobu/YabuHika
Genre: Angst
Notes: Words in brackets are not part of the original content of the letter. They are just thoughts that Inoo had at the time he wrote the letter.
Inspired by Yoru wa Hoshi wo Nagameteokure (Tegomasu)
Dear Yabu,
Lately we haven’t hung out much together, have we? Somehow, you don’t seem to have the time to come visit me anymore. (Is it because you’re always with Hikaru? So much so that you can’t spare any time for me?)
I don’t know when you’ll see this. (A week after I write this? A month? A year? Come to think of it, do you still care anymore? After all, Hikaru is the one who holds your heart right now, isn’t he?) But I needed to let these frustrations out, and you seemed like the best choice to write to. Ever since the forming of JUMP, you’ve always been our mother hen, right?
The doctor says they can try an operation. It’s risky, very risky, they say, but if it succeeds I can go back to normal. (But is it worth it, going back to reality when I don’t have anyone to live for anymore? When the one I live for has pushed me aside for someone else?)
I’ve agreed to go for it. Anything is better than having to lie in bed all the time because I can’t move my legs. (Except maybe the agony of having my heart ripped into a million shreds after seeing you walk out of my life.) The survival rate is 45%, but they say the surgeon who’s doing it for me has done this operation several times before, and every one of his previous patients lived. (I hope I’m not the first.)
When this paralysis is cured, I’ll finally stop holding everyone back. After all, it’s only because of this stupid accident that JUMP got put on hiatus, isn’t it? (But you moved on ahead anyway, didn’t you? You and Hikaru.)
Let’s work hard after this setback to bring JUMP to greater heights!
Hey, Yabu. Can I ask one last question? (I’m asking anyway, the real question is: would you bother to answer?)
If I died tomorrow, would you cry?
(I doubt you would. It’s not like you care about me anymore, is it?)
Sincerely, (I would put Love, but I know it’s one-sided, only a pitiful farce on your part.)
Inoo Kei
(Your boyfriend, who you abandoned without a word for someone else.)
Yabu finds the letter, all crinkled in its yellowing, crumpled envelope, wedged in between a stack of old documents in his dusty attic.
He reads the spidery handwriting at the dining table, not noticing as Hikaru comes up from behind and peers at it too.
The letter drops from shaking hands, and Yabu doesn’t notice as Hikaru places a concerned hand on his shoulder. He instead buries his head in his hands, and feels a trail of wet run down from his eyes.
And suddenly, he finds himself crying tears he hadn’t shed the day Inoo’s eyes closed for the final time.
If I died, would you cry?
He’s crying now.
Only two years too late.