Title: Shelter
Author: Luna (
dreamweavernyx )
Pairing: Yabuhika
Genre: Fluff
Notes: Chibi.
For Saki (
shiroikazex ).
When the sky turns gray and the rain starts falling from the sky, Hikaru is completely caught off-guard.
He’s on his way back from school, and he wails miserably at the sky.
“Why did you betray me, sky?” he howls, before opening up his plastic-wrapped math textbook to use as a makeshift shelter. He doesn’t really care if the book gets wet, because he doesn’t really like math anyway.
However, the water is simple rolling off the edges of the book and splashing on him instead, and he doesn’t like the feeling. He just hopes he can reach home before he ends up looking like a drowned chicken.
After passing the twentieth tree, he suddenly realizes the rain isn’t splashing onto his half-soaked uniform anymore, and he thinks the rain has stopped. However, one glance up tells him otherwise.
There’s a bright red nylon canopy above him, and the umbrella is being supported by a skinny boy with mushroom-like hair.
“Here, you can share my umbrella,” he says, smiling so happily his eyes crinkle into slits, “I don’t think it feels very good to be getting really wet in the rain.”
Hikaru ducks under the umbrella gratefully.
“Thanks,” he says, putting down the wet math textbook.
The boy laughs.
“No problem! I’m Yabu, by the way.”
The umbrella’s a little small, and Hikaru finds he often has to stick very close to Yabu to avoid getting splashed by the rain.
Yabu giggles, and slings an arm around Hikaru’s shoulder as they walk through the rain.
The touch is warm, and sends tingles through Hikaru’s cold body. He snuggles into the embrace, trying to warm up his drenched body.
He swears Yabu tightened the grip on his shoulders, just a little bit.
Their shadows mingle on the shining wet floor, as they walk on through the rain.