Title: Translator
Author: Luna (
dreamweavernyx )
Pairing: Okanoo
Genre: Crack/Fluff
Notes: Request for Alice (
aliciaswr ).
Keito put his pen down and glared at the book in front of him.
“I don’t get this!” he wailed in frustration.
He was currently at Yabu’s house. The paranoid motherhen of the group had rounded them all up and locked them in different rooms, insisting that they study for the coming exams despite their hectic schedules.
“School is important! So you’re going to revise here where I know you’re actually studying and not playing,” Yabu had said.
Which meant that most of BEST was excused from the torturous afternoon. The four of them had headed to the living room.
Keito had a strong suspicion that they were playing cards or board games.
So now, he was stuck in this room with Inoo, looking at his Math textbook with absolutely no clue on how to do the last question.
Inoo glanced up from his own thick textbook at Keito’s wail. Noticing the look of frustration on Keito’s face, he rose and padded over to where Keito was.
“Need help?”
Keito glanced up, and nodded fervently.
“I don’t get this,” he repeated, “Trigonometry must hate me. I just know it!”
Inoo laughed, and sat down beside Keito.
“Let me take a look.”
He read through the question, and thought for a while, before he snapped his fingers.
“Okay! You know the formulas, right?”
Inoo picked up his pencil and started scribbling.
“So, if you take a look at this, sine squared x is actually 1 minus cosine squared x, right? So you substitute that. And then you can separate it - yeah, like that, and then-”
Keito’s eyes brightened as he saw what Inoo was getting at.
“I get it!”
Without needing any further prompts, Keito finished the question, and shut his book triumphantly, grinning.
“Thanks so much, Inoo-chan! I’ve finished my homework!”
Inoo smiled.
“Any time.”
“…Hey, Inoo-chan, you’re getting good at Chinese, right?”
“How do you say ‘thank you’ in Chinese?”
Inoo hesitated for a while.
“ ‘Thank you’ in Chinese,” he said softly, “is ‘wo ai ni’.”
Keito beamed.
Inoo nodded.
“Then Inoo-chan, wo ai ni!”
He laughed, and Inoo felt a smile tug at his own lips.
…I love you too.
Notes (reprise): Wo ai ni = I love you.