Perhaps to make reading more fun, try to find something that will trip his trigger. I realize that age is involved but still, if there is anything that he really gets excited about, THAT would make him want to read. A reward for reading can sometiomes help but I wouldn't hold my breath. When I was young, I didn't mind reading but it was so-so then I discovered that my Tarzan movies actually had books at the library. I started reading them and the librarian even ordered in more for me. I was hooked on Tarzan and the author, Edgar Rice Burroughs and then in my freshman year I found out that the man had written even more books -- science fiction and some fantasy and well, the rest is history. I think I've read every book by ERB and we all know where I stand about SF and fantasy.
G'luck. A reward is only good if the person wants the reward.
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G'luck. A reward is only good if the person wants the reward.
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