fanmix: don't make me go back ( donna noble ) { for waywardmixes }

Nov 20, 2012 19:36

Fandom: Doctor Who
Subject: Donna Noble
Title: Don’t Make Me Go Back
Warnings/Notes: Made for round 9 at waywardmixes for the theme “angst”. Spoilers in the character description and other ramblings if you haven’t seen The Runaway Bride, all of season 4 and The End of Time Pt2 (maybe). Not as angsty as I would have liked.

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tv: doctor who, octopus makes it all better, fanmix, lots and lots of yabbering, ramblingggg, ! 2012

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Comments 25

slumber November 21 2012, 00:04:20 UTC
ps you should tumbl the covers because i love them

also what if the story of donna wasn't meant to take away everything amazing she did and return her to her average life

what if it was trying to say at some point in time

we might have been donna noble

we just forgot


scatteredintime November 21 2012, 00:08:03 UTC
i tumbled the front one earlier :3


that is a scary thought and actually one of my ridiculous fears. like. i'm really afraid of losing my memory or having lost part of it already and not knowing if i did something or not or if something happened to me when i was younger and i just can't remember and then i start freaking out and not trusting my memory and bam, DO YOU KNOW HOW SCARY THAT IDEA IS, EVY

(it's a good point, though. a beautiful one. maybe we have been like that once.)


rehia_gessev November 21 2012, 00:34:41 UTC
Just looking at the covers and skimming through the songs is making me sad. :( And, wow, your cover art is beyond gorgeous.
(I will be back to leave a longer comment when I actually have time to listen to this.)


scatteredintime November 21 2012, 00:35:49 UTC
Success! \o/

I'm very sorry for the sadness, honestly. HER FATE IS JUST SO SAD. ;__; Thank you very much for your lovely comment. :)


hermione_vader November 21 2012, 01:23:19 UTC
I love you for the modified Mean Girls quote.


scatteredintime November 21 2012, 01:25:15 UTC
Then you must go to and love renrenren3 instead, who provided that when I complained about being unable to do Donna justice. :3


princealia November 21 2012, 01:46:47 UTC
yes please. snagging!


princealia November 21 2012, 01:51:18 UTC
Wait, no, it says it's not there anymore :(


scatteredintime November 21 2012, 01:53:05 UTC
The big link or the single ones?

Nevermind, I see what you mean. That's really odd. I'll re-up to somewhere less annoying, gimme a moment.


princealia November 21 2012, 01:56:27 UTC
Big link.

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awry November 21 2012, 02:37:17 UTC
Lovely artwork! :)


scatteredintime November 23 2012, 11:49:13 UTC
Thanks, Denise! :D


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