I have a cold

Feb 11, 2011 08:36

I'm not looking for sympathy, because geez, it's just a cold, and there are lots of people who are really sick, but I'm telling you this to explain why I may miss something if it's posted recently. I may not post a lot, but I do try to read all of my flist. However right now, to my poor self-medicated brain, my flist looks like this:

wordswords ( Read more... )


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Comments 21

OT: The SSHG Quiz morethansirius February 11 2011, 15:21:24 UTC
Valentine's Day is coming and that means a special SSHG Quiz! The fangirls voted to have Hermione propose to Severus and in your story, Making Partner, she does just that. No doubt you will recognize quote 10#. Please accept our Valentine's Day banner as our thank you for your story.

Your Featured Author banner

Come play the SSHG Valentine Quiz!

PS Hope you feel better soon! Colds are majorly annoying. You feel rotten, but not rotten enough to chuck it all and crawl back in bed for a few days.


Re: OT: The SSHG Quiz scatteredlogic February 11 2011, 15:30:23 UTC
Oooh, thank you for the pretty banner!

Thanks for the good wishes, too. Cold really are annoying, and you're absolutely right that you don't feel quite bad enough to say screw it and go back to bed, but you don't feel good enough to really accomplish anything either. :/


avari_maethor February 11 2011, 15:44:00 UTC
I think I can guess where the PICTURE comes from lol.

Sorry you're sick SL, I'm in the same boat. My nose is so red from being blown so much. I don't want to skip class today but each time I blow my nose I get dizzy so I think it's best that I stay home.

Hope you feel better soon!


scatteredlogic February 11 2011, 15:48:34 UTC
I'm sorry that you're sick, too! (I resorted to coating my nose with vaseline before blowing it to try to keep the chapping down to a minimum, so boy, do I understand.)

Thank you, and I hope you're better soon, too! ~hugs~


avari_maethor February 11 2011, 16:50:02 UTC
Vaseline... now there's something I didn't think of...


scatteredlogic February 11 2011, 16:58:54 UTC
It works wonders, it really does!


inglenook February 11 2011, 16:13:40 UTC


scatteredlogic February 11 2011, 16:59:41 UTC
Hee! Thank you. ~hugs back~


pokeystar February 11 2011, 17:00:26 UTC
(((hazmat suited hugs)))


scatteredlogic February 11 2011, 17:02:40 UTC
~falls over laughing~ Thank you, and you're smart to suit up first. ;)


pokeystar February 11 2011, 20:32:55 UTC
I really have been sick enough, last year.



rillalicious February 11 2011, 17:38:17 UTC
My flist has looked exactly like that to me for almost a week now. Feel better!



scatteredlogic February 11 2011, 19:56:09 UTC
It's odd how something as simple as reading can become so difficult when you're ill, isn't it? Thank you! I hope you're better, too!


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