Lots of pictures as of late

Oct 18, 2009 20:59

My sister-in-law just posted these on facebook and I do not have any context for them but they do need to be shared with you.

yes that is my nephew in a monkeysuit.

so now we have a reply when we are asked "why aren't babies born monkeys". PROOF OF EVOLUTION BITCHES

Look. At that smile. Just LOOK AT IT I AM MELTING also that is my sister-in-law if you don't recall and she is pretty awesome too in addition to her awesome kid.


And that is my brother, and his friend and his friend's kid, who is 1 year old about. I like to imagine that they just ran into each other somewhere and both their kids happened to be dressed like animals. And the boys are like "Oh this is so embarassing. I just can't believe it." like girls at a party who show up wearing the same dress. In all probability they are at the zoo, but I can dream.

In conclusion, here is my cat squashed between the screen door and the glass door:

She does these things to herself, people. Apparently yesterday she was running away from another kitty and got stuck in a tree, and thank christ my dad was on the roof cleaning the gutters or she would've been stuck there forever. I hope, next time this happens, to get photographic documentation.

Ugh I wish I could not be sick anymore so I could go cuddle with that monkeychild.

sophia, photoblog, sebastian

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